Autores / Publicación
Favela Vara, J., & Torres Rodríguez, J. (1998). A two-step approach to satellite image classification using fuzzy neural networks and the ID3 learning algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 14, 211-218. (ID: 52)
Favela Vara, J. (1997). Capture and dissemination of specialized knowledge in network organizations. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 7(2 & 3), 201-226. (ID: 2007)
Favela Vara, J., & Carreon Uribe, J. A. (1997). Estimating user interests from their navigation patterns in the WWW. In M.J. Smith, G. Salvendy y R.J. Koubek. (Eds.), Design of Computing Systems: Social and Ergonomic Considerations (pp. 831-834). (ID: 264)