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Baumgartner Mcbride Timothy Robert
Proyección de áreas de captura de Sardina frente a Baja California.
Laboratorio IMECOCAL, Oceanografía Satelital
Hay 53 publicaciones.


Autores / Publicación


Thompson, A. R., Swalethorp, R., Alksne, M., Santora, J. A., Hazen, E. L., Leising, A., Satterthwaite, E., Syderman, W., Anderson, C., Auth, T. D., Baumann Pickering, S., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., BJORKSTEDT, E. P., Bograd, S. J., Bowlin, N. M., Burke, B. J., Daly, E. A., Dewar, H., Field, J., Fisher, J., Garfield, N., Giddings, A., Goericke, R., Golightly, R., Gómez Ocampo, E., Gómez Valdés, J., Hildebrand, J., Jacobson, K. C., Jacox, M., Jahncke, J., Johns, M., Jones, J. M., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Mantua, N., Mcchesney, G. J., Medina, M. E., Melin, S. R., Miranda Bojórquez, L. E., Morgan, C. A., Nickels, C. F., Orben, R. A., Porquez, J. M., Preti, A., ROBERTSON, R. R., Rudnick, D. L., Sakuma, K. M., Schacter, C. R., Schroeder, I. D., Scopel, L., Snodgrass, O., Thompson, S. A., Warzybok, P., Whitaker, K., Watson, W., Weber, E. D., & WELLS, B. (2024). State of the California Current Ecosystem report in 2022: a tale of two La Niñas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1-21. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1294011. (ID: 29660)


Weber, E. D., Auth, T. D., Bauman Pickering, S., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., BJORKSTEDT, E. P., Bograd, S. J., Burke, B. J., Cadena Ramirez, J. L., Daly, E. A., de la Cruz Orozco, M. E., Dewar, H., Field, J., Fisher, J., Giddings, A., Goericke, R., Gómez Ocampo, E., Gómez Valdés, J., Hazen, E. L., Hildebrand, J., Horton, C. A., Jacobson, K. C., Jacox, M., Jahncke, J., Kahru, M., Kudela, R. M., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Leising, A., Melin, S. R., Miranda Bojórquez, L. E., Morgan, C. A., Nickels, C. F., Orben, R. A., Porquez, J. M., Portner, E. J., ROBERTSON, R. R., Rudnick, D. L., Sakuma, K. M., Santora, J. A., Schroeder, I. D., Snodgrass, O., Sydeman, W. J., Thompson, A. R., Thompson, S. A., Trickey, J. S., Villegas Mendoza, J., Warzybok, P., Watson, W., & Zeman, S. (2021). State of the California Current 2019¿2020: Back to the Future With Marine Heatwaves?. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8(2021), 709454. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.709454. (ID: 27007)


Thompson, A. R., Schroeder, I., Bograd, S., Hazen, E. L., Jacox, M., Leising, A., Wells, B. K., Largier, J., Fischer, J. L., Jacobson, K. C., Zeman, S., BJORKSTEDT, E. P., ROBERTSON, R. R., KAHRU , M., GOERICKE, R., Peabody, C. E., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Miranda Bojórquez, L. E., Gomez Ocampo, E., Gómez Valdés, J., Auth, T. D., DALY, E. A., Morgan, C. A., Burke, B. J., Field, J., Sakuma, K. M., Weber, E. D., Watson, W., Porquez, J. M., Lyons, D. E., Orben, R. A., Zamon, J. E., Jahncke, J., Santora, J. A., Thompson, S. A., Hoover, B., Sydeman, W., & Melin, S. R. (2019). STATE OF THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT 2018-19: A NOVEL ANCHOVY REGIME AND A NEW MARINE HEAT WAVE?. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 60, 65. (ID: 25694)


Salvetteci Merino, R., Gutierrez, D., Field, D., Siffeddine, A., Caquienea, S., Ortlieb, L., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., Ferreira Bartrina , V., & Bertrand, A. (2019). Fish debris in sediments from the last 25 kyr in the Humboldt Current reveal the role of productivity and oxygen on small pelagic fishes. Progress in Oceanography, 176(102114), 29. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2019.05.006. (ID: 25248)


Thompson, A., Schroeder, I. D., Bograd, S. J., Hazen, E. L., Jacox, M., Leising, A. W., Wells, B. K., Largier, J. L., Fisher, J., Jacobson, K., Zeman, S., Bjorkstedt, E., Robertson, R., Chávez, F. P., Kahru, M., Goericke, R., Mcclatchie, S., Peabody, C. E., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Gómez Valdés, J., Brodeur, R. D., Daly, E. A., Morgan, C., Auth, T., Burke, B. J., Field, J., Sakuma, K. M., Weber, E. D., Watson, W. H., Coates, J., Schoenbaum, R., Rogers Bennet, L., Suryan, R. M., Dolliver, J., Loredo, S., Zamon, J. E., Schneider, S., Golightly, R., Warzybok, P., Jahncke, J., Santora, J. A., Thompson, S. A., Sydeman, W. J., & Melin, S. (2018). STATE OF THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT 2017¿18: STILL NOT QUITE NORMAL IN THE NORTH AND GETTING INTERESTING IN THE SOUTH. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 59, 1-66. (ID: 24136)


Valencia Gasti, J. A., Weber, E. D., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., Durazo , R., Mcclatchie, S., & Lennert Cody, C. E. (2018). Spring spawning distribution of sardine in US and Mexican waters. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 59. (ID: 24283)


Salvatteci Merino, F. R., Field, D. B., Gutiérrez, D., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., Ferreira Bartrina, V., Ortlieb, L., Sifeddine, A., Grados, D., & Bertrand, A. (2018). Multifarious anchovy and sardine regimes in the Humboldt Current System during the last 150 years. Global Change Biology, 24(3), 1055-1068. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13991. (ID: 23584)


Valencia Gasti, J. A., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., & Durazo Arvizu, R. (2015). Effects of ocean climate on life cycles and distribution of small pelagic fishes in the California Current system off Baja California. Ciencias Marinas, 41(4), 315-348. doi: 10.7773/cm.v41i4.2571. (ID: 20097)


Salvatecci, R., Field, D. B., Sifeddine, A., Ortlieb, L., Ferreira Bartrina, V., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., Caquineau, S., Velazco, F., Reyss, J., Sánchez Cabeza, J. A., & Gutiérrez, D. (2014). Cross-stratigraphies from a seismically active mud lens off Peru indicate horizontal extensions of laminae, missing sequences, and a need for multiple cores for high resolution records. Marine Geology, 357, 72-89. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.07.008. (ID: 16830)


Deutsch, C., Berelson, W., Thunell, R., Weber, T., Tems, C., Mcmanus, J., Crusius, J., Ito, T., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., Ferreira Bartrina, V., Mey, J., & Van Geen, A. (2014). Centennial changes in North Pacific anoxia linked to tropical trade winds. Science, 345(6197), 665-668. doi: 10.1126/science.1252332. (ID: 17177)


Salvatteci Merino, F. R., Field, D. B., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., Ferreira Bartrina, V., & Gutiérrez, D. (2012). Evaluating fish scale preservation in sediment records from the oxygen minimum zone off Peru. Paleobiology, 38(1), 52-78. doi: 10.1666/10045.1. (ID: 16280)


Checkley, M. D., Ayon, P., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., Bernal, M., Coetzee, J. C., Emmett, R., Guevara Carrasco, R., Hutchings, L., Ibaibarriaga, L., Nakata, H., Oozeki, Y., Planque, B., Schweigert, J., Stratoudakis, Y., & Van Der Lingen, C. D. (2009). Habitats. In David M. Checkley, Jr., Jurgen Alheit, Yoshioki Oozeki, Claude Roy (Eds.), Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish (pp. 12-44). Cambridge University Press. (ID: 14137)


Field, D. B., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., Ferreira Bartrina, V., Gutiérrez, D., Lozano Montes, H. M., Salvatteci Merino, F. R., & Soutar, A. (2009). Variability from scales in marine sediments and other historical records. In David M. Checkley, Jr., Jurgen Alheit, Yoshioki Oozeki, Claude Roy (Eds.), Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish (pp. 45-63). Cambridge University Press. (ID: 14138)


Hay, M. B., Calvert, S. E., Pienitz, R., Dalimore, A., Thomson, R. E., & Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R. (2009). Geochemical and diatom signatures of bottom water renewal events in Effingham Inlet, British Columbia (Canada). Marine Geology, 262(1-4), 50-61. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2009.03.004. (ID: 14139)


Gutiérrez, D., Sifeddine, A., Field, D. B., Ortlieb, L., Vargas, G., Chávez, F. P., Velazco, F., Ferreira Bartrina, V., Tapia, P., Salvatteci Merino, F. R., Boucher, H., Morales, M. C., Valdés, J., Reyes, J. L., Campusano Valverde, A., Boussafir, M., Mandeng Yogo, M., García, M., & Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R. (2009). Rapid reorganization in ocean biogeochemistry off Peru towards the end of the Little Ice Age. Biogeosciences, 6(5), 835-848. (ID: 14140)