Autores / Publicación
Paolinelli, M., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., & Hernández Martínez, R. (2016). Quantitative real-time PCR normalization for gene expression studies in the plant pathogenic fungi Lasiodiplodia theobromae. JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS, 127, 82-88. doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2016.05.021. (ID: 20674)
Uranga Solis, C. C., Beld, J., Mrse, A., Córdova Guerreo, I., Burkart, M. D., & Hernández Martínez, R. (2016). Data from mass spectrometry, NMR spectra, GC-MS of fatty acid esters produced by Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Data in Brief, 8, 31-39. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.05.003. (ID: 20673)
Uranga Solis, C. C., Beld, J., Mrse, A., Córdova Guerreo, I., Burkart, M. D., & Hernández Martínez, R. (2016). Fatty acid esters produced by Lasiodiplodia theobromae function as growth regulators in tobacco seedlings. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 472(2), 339-345. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.02.104. (ID: 20559)
Montoya Gonzalez, A. H., Quijano Vicente, G., Morales Maza, A., Ortiz Uribe, N., & Hernández Martínez, R. (2016). Isolation of Trichoderma spp. from desert soil, biocontrol potential evaluation and liquid culture production of conidia using agricultural fertilizers. Journal of Fertilizers & Pesticides, 7(1). doi: 10.4172/jbfbp.1000163. (ID: 19848)
Paolinelli, M., Serrano Gómez, C., & Hernández Martínez, R. (2015). Occurrence of Eutypella microtheca in grapevine cankers in Mexico. PHYTOPATHOLOGIA MEDITERRANEA, 54(1), 86-93. doi: 10.14601/Phytopathol_Mediterr-14998. (ID: 18266)
Valenzuela Solano, C., Ruiz Corral, J. A., Ramírez Ojeda, G., & Hernández Martínez, R. (2014). Efectos del cambio climático sobre el potencial vitícola de Baja California, México. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 10, 2047-2059. (ID: 18263)
Camacho López, M. D., Valenzuela Solano, C., & Hernández Martínez, R. (2014). Fusarium spp. asociadas a clavel (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) en Baja California, México. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 8(8), 1409-1415. (ID: 16887)
Killiny, N., Hernández Martínez, R., Dumenyo, C. K., Cooksey, D. A., & Almeida, R. P. P. (2013). The exopolysaccharide of Xylella fastidiosa is essential for biofilm formation, plant virulence, and vector transmission. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 26(9), 1044-1053. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-09-12-0211-R. (ID: 15597)
Hernández Martínez, R., & Valenzuela Solano, C. (2012). Hongos de la madera de vid en Baja California. In María Isabel Echeverría Román (Eds.), Hongos de la madera de vid en Baja California (2 ed., pp. 17). Ensenada, México: Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada. (ID: 16582)
Hernández Martínez, R., & Rangel Montoya, E. A. (2011). Búsqueda de cepas de Antagonistas a hongos causantes de marchitez vascular en tomate. Revista Electrónica de Divulgación de la Investigación, 2, 1-9. (ID: 15688)
Hernández Martínez, R., Cooksey, D. A., & Wong, F. P. (2009). Leaf scorch of purple-leafed plum and sweetgum dieback: Two new diseases in Southern California caused by Xylella fastidiosa strains with diferent host ranges. Plant Disease, 93(11), 1131-1138. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-93-11-1131. (ID: 14039)
Shi, X., Dumenyo, C. K., Hernández Martínez, R., Azad, H. A., & Cooksey, D. A. (2009). Characterization of regulatory pathways in Xylella fastidiosa: genes and phenotypes controlled by gacA. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75(8), 2275-2283. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01964-08. (ID: 13309)
Wong, F. P., De La Cerda, K., Hernández Martínez, R., & Midland, S. L. (2008). Detection and characterization of benzimidazole resistance in California populations of Colletotrichum cereale. Plant Disease, 92, 239-246. (ID: 10376) (E)
Shi, X., Dumenyo, C. K., Hernández Martínez, R., Azad, H. A., & Cooksey, D. A. (2007). Characterization of regulatory pathways in Xylella fastidiosa: genes and phenotypes controlled by algU. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73(21), 6748-6756. (ID: 10381) (E)
Hernández Martínez, R., De La Cerda, K., Costa, H. S., Cooksey, D. A., & Wong, F. P. (2007). Phylogenetic relationships of Xylella fastidiosa strains isolated from landscape ornamentals in southern California. Phytopathology, 97(7), 857-864. (ID: 10383) (E)