Autores / Publicación
Echavarría Heras, H. A., Solana Arellano, M. E., Lee, K. S., Hosokawa, S., & Franco Vizcaino, E. (2012). An evaluation of leaf biomass: lenght ratio as a tool for nondestructive assessment in eelgrass (Zostera marina L.). The Scientific World Journal, 2012(543730). doi: 10.1100/2012/543730. (ID: 14629)
Echavarría Heras, H. A., Solana Arellano, M. E., Leal Ramírez, C., & Franco Vizcaino, E. (2011). The length-times-width proxy for leaf area of eelgrass: criteria for evaluating the representativeness of leaf-width measurements. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 21(7), 604-613. doi: 10.1002/aqc.1219. (ID: 14876)
Echavarría Heras, H. A., Lee, K. S., Solana Arellano, M. E., & Franco Vizcaino, E. (2011). Formal analysis and evaluation of allometric methods for estimating above-ground biomass of eelgrass. Annals of Applied Biology, 159(3), 503-515. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7348.2011.00511.x. (ID: 15155)
Echavarría Heras, H. A., Solana Arellano, M. E., & Leal Ramírez, C. (2010). Surface aggregation patterns of LDL receptors near coated pits II. The retrogade membrane flow-diffusion and generalized plaque -form insertion mechanism. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 1-22. doi: 10.1093/imammb/dqq018. (ID: 12843)
Solana Arellano, M. E., Echavarría Heras, H. A., & Franco Vizcaino, E. (2010). A dynamical model for characterising seasonality effects on eelgrass plastochrone intervals. Annals of Applied Biology, 157(1), 99-110. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7348.2010.00414.x. (ID: 12844)
Echavarría Heras, H. A., Solana Arellano, M. E., & Franco Vizcaino, E. (2009). An allometric method for the projection of eelgrass leaf biomass production rates. Mathematical Biosciences, 223(1), 58-65. doi: 10.1016/j.mbs.2009.10.008. (ID: 12634)
Solana Arellano, M. E., Echavarría Heras, H. A., & Leal Ramírez, C. (2009). Characterization of environmental forcing on Zostera marina L. plastochrone interval dynamics in the Punta Banda estuary, B. C. Mexico: an empirical modelling approach. Scientia Marina, 73(1), 95-103. doi: 10.3989/scimar.2009.73n1095. (ID: 11479)
Solana Arellano, M. E., Echavarría Heras, H. A., & Franco Vizcaino, E. (2008). An economical non-destructive method for estimating eelgrass, Zostera marina (Potamogetonaceae) leaf growth rates: formal development and use in northwestern Baja California. Revista de Biología Tropical, 53(3), 1003-1013. (ID: 10849)
Flores Uzeta, O., Solana Arellano, M. E., & Echavarría Heras, H. A. (2008). Mortality rate estimation for eelgrass Zostera marina (Potamogetonaceae) using projections from Leslie matrices. Revista de Biología Tropical, 56(3), 1015-1022. (ID: 11230)
Echavarría Heras, H. A., Solana Arellano, M. E., & Díaz Castañeda, V. M. (2007). Allometric scaling of dry weight and leaf area for Spartina foliosa in Punta Banda estuary, Baja California, Mexico. Wetlands, 27(2), 270-277. (ID: 10223)
Ibarra Obando, S. E., Solana Arellano, M. E., & Poumian Tapia, M. (2007). El papel de Zostera marina en el ciclo del carbono en Bahía San Quintín, Baja California. In Benigno Hernández de la Torre y Gilberto Gaxiola Castro (Eds.), Carbono en Ecosistemas Acuáticos de México (pp. 201-213). Instituto Nacional de Ecología. (ID: 9027)
Echavarría Heras, H. A., Solana Arellano, M. E., & Franco Vizcaino, E. (2006). The role of increased sea surface temperature on eelgrass leaf dynamics: Onset of El Niño as a proxy for global climate change in San Quintin Bay, Baja California. Bulletin of Southern California Academy of Sciences, 105(3), 113-127. (ID: 10225)
Díaz Castañeda, V. M., De León González, J. Á., & Solana Arellano, M. E. (2005). Structure and composition of the polychaete community from Bahia San Quintin, Pacific Coast of Baja California, Mexico. Bulletin of Southern California Academy of Sciences, 104(2), 75-99. (ID: 8768)
Solana Arellano, M. E., Echavarría Heras, H. A., Gallegos Martínez, M., & Flores Uzeta, O. (2004). The role of biotic and abiotic variables in determining demographic processes in an eelgrass meadow. Bulletin of Southern California Academy of Sciences, 103(1), 12-19. (ID: 5338)
Solana Arellano, M. E., Echavarría Heras, H. A., & Gallegos Martínez, M. (2003). Improved leaf area index based biomass estimations for Zostera marina L. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 20, 367-375. (ID: 5340)