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Parés Sierra Alejandro Francisco
Interacciones físico biológicas en la corriente de California
Estudio de la interacción hidrodinámica entre lagunas costeras con mareas adyacentes mexicanos. Convocatoria Ciencia de frontera 2019 Modalidad: Grupo de Investigación. Clave: CF-MG-20191030200716411-1727972
Oceanografía regional
Hay 59 publicaciones.


Autores / Publicación


Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Munguía Vega, A., Micheli, F., Vilalta Navas, A., Villasenor-Derbez, J. C., Précoma de la Mora, M., Schoeman, D., Medellín Ortiz, A., Cavanaugh, K., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Burnham, t., knight, C., woodson, B., abas, m., Abadía Cardoso, A., Aburto Oropeza, O., esgro, m., Espinosa andrade, n., Beas Luna, R., cardenas, n., Carr, M., Dale, K., Cisneros Soberanis, F., Flores Morales, A. L., fulton, s., García Rodríguez, E., giron nava, a., gealson, m., green, a., hernandez velasco, a., ibarra macia, b., Johnson, A. F., Lorda Solorzano, J., Malpica Cruz, L., Montaño Moctezuma, C. G., olguin jacobson, c., Parés Sierra, A. F., Raimondi, P. T., Ramírez Ortiz, G., Ramirez Valdez, A., Reyes Bonilla, H., Saarman, e., Saldaña Ruiz, L. E., smith, A., Soldatini, C., Suárez Castillo, A., Torres Moye, G., Walther Mendoza, M., burke watson, e., worden, s., & possingham, h. (2023). Integrating climate adaptation and transboundary management: Guidelines for designing climatesmart marine protected areas. One Earth, 6, 1-19. doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2023.10.002. (ID: 28979)


Soto Mardones, L. A., Cepeda Morales , J., González Ramírez, J., Parés Sierra, A. F., & Corrales Suastegui, A. (2023). Effect of the continental shelf in seasonal oceanographic conditions at the Northern edge of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2022.10.002. (ID: 28563)


González Ramírez, J., Parés Sierra, A. F., & Cepeda Morales , J. (2023). Chlorophyll response to wind and terrestrial nitrate in the western and southern continental shelves of the Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science, 14. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1034638. (ID: 28748)


Curiel Bernal , M., Cisneros Mata, M. A., Rodriguez Dominguez, G., Sánchez Velasco, L., Jimenez Rosenberg, S. P. A., Parés Sierra, A. F., & Aragon Noriega, A. (2023). Modelling Early Growth of Totoaba macdonaldi (Teleostei: Sciaenidae) under Laboratory Conditions. Fishes, 8(155), 12. doi: 10.3390/fishes8030155. (ID: 28712)


Soto Mardones, L. A., Parés Sierra, A. F., Ticse De la Torre, K. E., & Flores Morales, A. L. (2023). Effect of the Grijalva-Usumacinta system on the circulation adjacent to the eastern shelf of Yucatan. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 16. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.1034644. (ID: 28562)


Quetz Que, S. J., Álvarez Borrego, S., Lara Lara, J. R., Solana Arellano, M. E., & Parés Sierra, A. F. (2022). Variabilidad estacional e interanual de la concentración de clorofila y de la productividad primaria frente al estado de Campeche, golfo de México. Ciencias Marinas, 48(1), 15. doi: 10.7773/cm.y2022.3168. (ID: 28620)


Garcés Rodríguez, Y., Sánchez Velasco, L., Parés Sierra, A. F., Jiménez Rosenberg , S. P. A., Tenorio Fernández, L., Montes Aréchiga, J. M., & Godínez Sandoval, V. M. (2022). Distribution and transport of Fish larvae at the entrance of the Gulf of California (September, 2016). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 193(103957), 11. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103957. (ID: 28560)


Curiel Bernal , M., Aragón Noriega, E. A., Cisneros Mata, M. A., Sánchez Velasco, L., Jimenez Rosenberg, S. P. A., & Parés Sierra, A. F. (2021). Using Observed Residual Error Structure Yields the Best Estimates of Individual Growth Parameters. Fishes, 6(35), 11. doi: 10.3390/fishes6030035. (ID: 27029)


Garce¿s Rodriguez, Y., Sánchez Velasco, L., Parés Sierra, A. F., Jime¿nez Rosenberg, S. P. A., Ma¿rquez Artavia, A., & Flores Morales, A. L. (2021). FISH larvae distribution and transport on the thermal fronts in the Midriff Archipelago region, Gulf of California. Continental Shelf Research, 218(2021), 13. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2021.104384. (ID: 26848)


Reguera Rouzaud, N., Díaz Viloria, N., Sánchez Velasco, L., Flores Morales, A. L., Parés Sierra, A. F., Aburto Oropeza, O., & Munguía Vega, A. (2020). Yellow snapper (Lutjanus argentiventris) connectivity in the Southern Gulf of California. Marine Biodiversity, 50(54), 14. doi: 10.1007/s12526-020-01070-y. (ID: 26614)


Gomez Valdivia, F., & Parés Sierra, A. F. (2020). Seasonal upper shelf circulation along the central western Gulf of Mexico: A preferential upcoast flow reinforced by the recurrent arrival of Loop Current Eddies. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(e2019JC015596). doi: 10.1029/2019JC015596. (ID: 29923)


Gómez Valdivia, F., & Parés Sierra, A. F. (2020). Seasonal Upper Shelf Circulation Along the Central Western Gulf of Mexico: A Preferential Upcoast Flow Reinforced by the Recurrent Arrival of Loop Current Eddies. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, (125), 1-19. doi: 10.1029/2019JC015596. (ID: 25526)


Santiago García, M. W., Parés Sierra, A. F., & Trasviña Castro, A. (2019). Dipole-wind interactions under gap wind jet conditions in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico: A surface drifter and satellite database analysis. PLoS ONE, 14(12), 23. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226366. (ID: 25266)


González Ramírez, J., & Parés Sierra, A. F. (2019). Streamflow modeling of five major rivers that flow into the Gulf of Mexico using SWAT. Atmósfera, 32(4), 261-272. doi: 10.20937/ATM.2019.32.04.01. (ID: 25233)


Parés Sierra, A. F., Flores Morales, A. L., & Gómez Valdivia, F. (2018). An efficient Markovian algorithm for the analysis of ocean currents. Environmental Modelling & Software, 103(C), 158-168. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.02.014. (ID: 23631)