Autores / Publicación
Nasby Luca, N., Dewar, H., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Wilson, C., Hyde, J. R., Vetter, R. D., Wraith, J., Block, B. B., Kinney, M. J., Sippel, T., Holts, D. B., & Kohin, S. (2019). Movements of electronically tagged shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Animal Biotelemetry, 2019(7), 12. doi: 10.1186/s40317¿019¿0174¿6. (ID: 25318)
Nalesso, E., Hearn, A., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Steiner, T., Antoniou, A., Reid, A., Bessudo, S., Soler, G., Klimley, A. P., Lara, F., Ketchum, J. T., & Arauz, R. (2019). Movements of scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) at Cocos Island, Costa Rica and between oceanic islands in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. PLoS ONE, 14(3), e0213741. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213741. (ID: 24891)
Huveneers, C., Apps, K., Becerril-Garci¿a, E., Bruce, B., Butcher, P., Carlisie, A., Chapple, T., Christiansen, H., Cliff, G., Curtis, T., Daly-Engel, T., Dewar, H., Dicken, M., Domeier, M., Duffy, C., Ford, R., Francis, M., French, G. C., Galván Magaña, F., García Rodríguez, E., Gennari, E., Graham, B., Hayden, B., Hoyos Padilla, E. M., Hussey, N. E., Jewell, O. J., Jorgensen, S. J., Kock, A. A., Lowe, C. G., Lyons, K., Meyer, L., Oelofse, G., Oñate González, E. C., Oosthuizen, H., O'Sullivan, J. B., Ramm, K., Skolman, G., Sloan, S., Smale, M., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Sperone, E., Tamburin, E., Towner, A. V., Wcisel, M. A., Weng, K. C., & Werry, J. W. (2018). Future Research Directions on the "Elusive" White Shark. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00455. (ID: 24134)
Mohan, J. A., Miller, N., Herzka Llona, S. Z., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Kohin, S., Dewar, H., Kinney, M., Snodgrass, O., & Wells, D. (2018). Elements of time and place: manganese and barium in shark vertebrae reflect age and upwelling histories. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285, 20181760. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1760. (ID: 23985)
Aburto-Oropeza, O., Johnson, A. F., Agha, M., Allen, E. B., Allen, M. F., Arellano Gonza¿lez, J., Arenas Moreno, D., Beas Luna, R., Butterfield, S., Caetano, G., Caselle, J. E., Castan¿eda Gayta¿n, G., Castorani, M. C. N., Cat, L. A., Cavanaugh, K., Chambers, J. Q., Cooper, R. D., Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Dawson, T., Di¿az de la Vega Pe¿rez, A., DiMento, J. F. C., Domi¿nguez Guerrero, S., Edwards, M., Ennen, J. R., Estrada-Medina, H., Fierro-Estrada, N., Gadsden, H., Galina-Tessaro, P., Gibbons, P. M., Goode, E. V., Gorris, M. E., Harmon, T., Hecht, S., Heredia Fragoso, M. A., Herna¿ndez-Solano, A., Herna¿ndez-Corte¿s, D., Herna¿ndez-Carmona, G., Hillard, S., Huey, R. B., Hufford, M. B., Jenerette, G. D., Jime¿nez-Osornio, J., Lo¿pez-Nava, K. J., Lara Rese¿ndiz, R. A., Leslie, H. M., Lo¿pez-Feldman, A., Luja, V. H., Marti¿nez Me¿ndez, N., Mautz, W. J., Medelli¿n-Azuara, J., Mele¿ndez-Torres, C., Me¿ndez de la Cruz, F. R., Micheli, F., Miles, D. B., Montagner, G., Montan¿o Moctezuma, G., Mu¿ller, J., Oliva, P., Ortinez A¿lvarez, J. A., Ortiz-Partida, J. P., Palleiro Nayar , J., Pa¿ramo Figueroa, V. H., Parnell, P. E., Raimondi, P., Rami¿rez-Valdez, A., Randerson, J. T., Reed, D. C., Riquelme Pérez, M., Romero Torres, T., Rosen, P. C., Ross-Ibarra, J., Sa¿nchez-Cordero, V., Sandoval-Solis, S., Santos, J. C., Sawers, R., Sinervo, B., Sites Jr., J. W., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Stanton, T., Stapp, J. R., Stewart, J. A. E., Torre, J., Torres-Moye, G., Treseder, K. K., Valdez-Villavicencio, J., Valle Jime¿nez, F. I., Vaughn, M., Welton, L., Westphal, M. F., Woolrich-Pin¿a, G., Yunez-Naude, A., Zertuche-Gonza¿lez, J. A., & Taylor, J. E. (2018). Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change. Environmental Science & Policy, 87(2018), 128-132. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2018.01.001. (ID: 24135)
Benson, J., Jorgensen, S., O'Sullivan, J. B., Winkler, C., White, C., García Rodríguez, E., Sosa Nishizaki, O., & Lowe, C. G. (2018). Juvenile survival, competing risks, and spatial variation in mortality risk of a marine apex predator. Journal of Applied Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13158. (ID: 24133)
Furlong Estrada, E., Sosa Nishizaki, O., & García Rodríguez, E. (2017). Caracterización de la pesquería de tiburón azul (Prionace glauca) en el Pacífico Norte mexicano: un antecedente histórico. Ciencia Pesquera, 25(1), 15-25. (ID: 23100)
Saldaña Ruiz, L. E., Sosa Nishizaki, O., & Cartamil, D. P. (2017). Historical reconstruction of Gulf of California shark fishery landings and species composition, 1939¿2014, in a data-poor fishery context. Fisheries Research. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2017.07.011. (ID: 23096)
Castillo Páez, A. Y., Sandoval Castillo, J. R., Corro Espinoza, D., Tovar Avila, J., Blanco Parra, M. P., Saavedra Sotelo, N. C., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Galván Magaña, F., & Rocha Olivares, A. (2017). Cutting through the Gordian knot: unravelling morphological, molecular, and biogeographical patterns in the genus Zapteryx (guitarfish) from the Mexican Pacific. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74(6), 1630-1638. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsx021. (ID: 22941)
Oñate González, E. C., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Herzka Llona, S. Z., Lowe, C. G., Lyons, K., Santana Morales, O., Sepúlveda, C., Guerrero Avila, C., García Rodríguez, E., & O'Sullivan, J. B. (2017). Importance of Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino as a nursery area for white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the Northeastern Pacific: A fishery dependent analysis. Fisheries Research, 188, 125-137. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2016.12.014. (ID: 21102)
Saldaña Ruiz, L. E., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Ramírez Mendoza, Z., Pérez Miranda, M. A., Rocha González, F. I., & Rodríguez Medrano, M. C. (2017). Reconstrucción de capturas por especie de la pesca artesanal de rayas del Golfo de California, 1997-2014. Ciencia Pesquera, 24, 81-96. (ID: 23089)
Díaz Jaimes, P., Reeb, C., Sosa Nishizaki, O., & O'Sullivan, J. B. (2016). Assessing genetic variation in juvenile white sharks using teeth collected from landfills in Baja California, Mexico. Conservation Genetics Resources, 8(4), 431-434. doi: 10.1007/s12686-016-0589-9. (ID: 22182)
Romo Curiel, A. E., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Pérez Jiménez, J. C., & Rodríguez Medrano, M. C. (2016). Reproductive cycle and maternal-embryonic nutritional relationship of shovelnose guitarfish Pseudobatos productus in the Gulf of California. Journal of Fish Biology. doi: 10.1111/jfb.13204. (ID: 22179)
Pardo, S. A., Kindsvater, H. K., Cuevas Zimbrón, E., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Perez Jimenez, J. C., & Dulvy, N. K. (2016). Growth, productivity, and relative extinction risk of a data-sparse devil ray. Scientific Reports, 6. doi: 10.1038/srep33745. (ID: 22180)
Cartamil, D. P., Wraith, J., Wegner, N. C., Kacev, D., Lam, C. H., Santana Morales, O., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Escobedo Olvera, M. A., Kohin, S., Graham, J. B., & Hastings, P. A. (2016). Movements and distribution of juvenile common thresher sharks Alopias vulpinus in Pacific coast waters of the USA and Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 548, 153-163. doi: 10.3354/meps11673. (ID: 22181)