Autores / Publicación
Andrade Aréchiga, M., López Mariscal, P. G., & López Morteo, G. A. (2012). Desarrollo y evaluación de un ambiente de aprendizaje para matemáticas: Plataforma PIAC (1st ed.). Editorial Académica Española. (ID: 16527)
González Campos, R., Rico Melgoza, J., & Chávez González, E. L. (2012). A New Formulation of the Fast Fractional Fourier Transform. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 34(2), A1110-A1125. doi: 10.1137/100812677. (ID: 17718) (E)
Milukova, O., Kober, V., Karnaukhov, V., & Ovseyevich, I. A. (2012). Global and local methods of image restoration. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 22(2), 333-336. doi: 10.1134/S1054661812020095. (ID: 16043)
López Martínez, J. L., & Kober, V. (2012). Blind image restoration for a microscanning imaging systems. In Aymeric Histace (Eds.), Image Restoration- Recent Advances and Applications (pp. 297-314). In-Tech. (ID: 16047)
Milukova, O., Kober, V., & Karnaukhov, V. (2012). Image restoration using two-dimensional variations. In Aymeric Histace (Eds.), Image Restoration-Recent Advances and Applications (pp. 185-200). In-Tech. (ID: 16046)
Kober, V. (2012). Space-variant image restoration with running sinusoidal transforms. In Aymeric Histace (Eds.), Image Restoration-Recent Advances and Applications (pp. 3-18). In-Tech. (ID: 16045)
Hirales Carbajal, A., Chernykh, A., Yahyapour, R., González García, J. L., Röblitz, T., & Ramírez Alcaraz, J. M. (2012). Multiple workflow scheduling strategies with user run time estimates on a Grid. Journal of Grid Computing, 10(2), 325-346. doi: 10.1007/s10723-012-9215-6. (ID: 16100)
Andrade Aréchiga, M., López Mariscal, P. G., & Lopez Morteo, G. A. (2012). Assessing effectiveness of learning units under the teaching unit model in an undergraduate mathematics course. Computers & Education, 59(2), 594-606. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2012.03.010. (ID: 16099)
Avilés López, E., & García Macías, J. A. (2012). Mashing up the internet of things: a framework for smart environments. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 79. doi: 10.1186/1687-1499-2012-79. (ID: 12205)
Díaz Ramírez, V. H., Campos Trujillo, O. G., Kober, V., & Aguilar González, P. M. (2012). Multiclass pattern recognition using adaptive correlation filters with complex constraints. Optical Engineering, 51(3), 037203 1-12. doi: 10.1117/1.OE.51.3.037203. (ID: 16042)
Autores / Publicación
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