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Publicaciones en Ecología Marina
Hay 1027 publicaciones en Ecología Marina.


Autores / Publicación


Carvacho, A. (1988). Développement juvénile de Pagurus bernhardus L. (Crustacea, Decapoda). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 29, 109-133. (ID: 204)


Anderson, S. J., Jarrell, W. M., & Franco Vizcaino, E. (1988). Effects of concentration and treatment duration upon dwarf pea response to gibberellic acid root treatments in solution culture. Plant and Soil, 112, 279-287. (ID: 1779)


Anderson, S. J., Franco Vizcaino, E., & Jarrell, W. M. (1988). Dwarf pea response to gibberellic acid applied to soil through a drip irrigation system, and gibberellic acid biodegradation in soil. Plant and Soil, 112, 289-292. (ID: 1778)


Álvarez Borrego, S., & Gaxiola Castro, G. (1988). Photosynthetic parameters of northern Gulf of California phytoplankton. Continental Shelf Research, 8(1), 37-47. (ID: 1776)


Goldstein, B., Wofsy, C., & Echavarría Heras, H. A. (1988). Effect of membrane flow on the capture of receptors by coated pits. Biophysical Journal, 53, 405-414. (ID: 262)


Franco Vizcaino, E., Deal, W. J., & Jarrell, W. M. (1988). Fiber-optic spectrophotometry of cowpea nodules treated with nitrate or ammonium. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 19(6), 691-706. (ID: 260)


Escofet, A., & Carvacho, A. (1988). The effect of tourist activity on coastal ecosystems of Baja California. In S.F. Farreras y G. Pararas Carayannis. (Eds.), Natural and Man-Made Coastal Hazards (pp. 199-203). (ID: 256)


Echavarría Heras, H. A. (1988). Convective flow effects in receptor-mediated endocytosis. Mathematical Biosciences, 89, 9-27. (ID: 213)


Camacho Ibar, V. F., & Álvarez Borrego, S. (1988). Nutrient concentrations in pore waters of intertidal sediments in a coastal lagoon: patchiness and temporal variations. Science of the Total Environment, 75, 325-339. (ID: 82)


Carvacho, A. (1988). On some abnormalities in the chelae of commercial crabs (Genus Cancer) from Baja California, Mexico. California Fish and Game, 172-174. (ID: 205)