Autores / Publicación
Mexicano, L., Glenn, E. P., Hinojosa Huerta, O., García Hernández, J., Flessa, K. W., & Hinojosa Corona, A. (2013). Long-term sustainability of the hydrology and vegetation of Cienega de Santa Clara, an anthropogenic wetland created by disposal of agricultural drain water in the delta of the Colorado River, Mexico. Ecological Engineering. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.12.096. (ID: 16462)
Alvarado Rodríguez, C. E., Klapp Escribano, J., Romero Guzmán, E. T., González Acevedo, Z. I., & Duarte Pérez, R. (2013). Numerical simulation of dispersion and sorption of Se(IV) through packed columns with non-living biomass: Experimental and numerical results. In J. Klapp, A. Medina, A. Cros, C.A. Vargas (Eds.), Fluid Dynamics in Physics, Engineering and Environmental Applications (1 ed., pp. 421-431). Springer-Verlag. (ID: 16456) (E)
Herrero Bervera, E., & Cañón Tapia, E. (2012). On the directional geomagnetic signature of the Pringle Falls excursion recorded at Pringle Falls, Oregon, USA. In Jovane L., Herrero-Bervera E., Hinnov L.A. y Housen B.A. (Eds.), Magnetic Methods and the Timing of Geological Processes. Geological Society of London. (ID: 15740)
Estrada Carmona, J., Weber, B., Martens, U., & López Martínez, M. (2012). Petrogenesis of Ordovician magmatic rocks in the southern Chiapas Massif: relations with the early Paleozoic magmatic belts of northwestern Gondwana. International Geology Review, 54(16), 1918-1943. doi: 10.1080/00206814.2012.685553. (ID: 16026)
Díaz Torres, J. J., Fletcher, J. M., Spelz Madero, R. M., Martín Barajas, J. A., & Suárez Vidal, F. (2012). Geomorfometría del escarpe principal del Golfo de California. Análisis comparativo entre dos segmentos del rift: Sierra San Pedro Mártir y Sierra Juárez, Baja California, México. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 29(3), 590-610. (ID: 15281)
Fauth, G., Da Silva Dos Santos, A., Lucas Vieira, C. E., Trescastro Bergue, C., Aldo Musacchio, E., Pedrao Ferreira, E., Helenes Escamilla, J., De Araujo Carvalho, M., Viviers, M. C., & Baecker Fauth, S. (2012). Bioestratigrafia integrada do Cretáceo superior da Bacia de Santos: ostracodes, carófitas e palinomorfos. Boletín Geociencias de Petrobras, 20(1/2), 229-258. (ID: 17086)
Schmitt, A. K., Martín Barajas, J. A., Stockli, D., Farley, K. A., & Lovera, O. M. (2012). (U-Th)/ He zircon and archaeological ages for a late prehistoric eruption in the Salton Trough (California, USA). Geology. doi: 10.1130/G33634.1. (ID: 15274)
Inguaggiato, S., Jácome Paz, M. P., Mazot, A., Delgado Granados, H., Inguaggiato, C., & Vita, F. (2012). CO2 output discharged from Stromboli Island (Italy). Chemical Geology, 339, 52-60. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.10.008. (ID: 22631) (E)
Cañón Tapia, E. (2012). Analytical models of magma chamber stability: An abridged critical review of key concepts. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 249, 174-196. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.10.003. (ID: 15741)
Contreras Pérez, J. (2012). A model for the state of brittle failure of the western Trans-Mexican Voncanic Belt. International Geology Review. doi: 10.1080/00206814.2012.719691. (ID: 15305)
Autores / Publicación
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