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Publicaciones en Microbiología
Hay 281 publicaciones en Microbiología.


Autores / Publicación


Garcia , J. F., Lawrence, D., Morales Cruz, A., Travadon, R., Minio, A., Hernández Martínez, R., Rolshausen, P., Baumgartner, K., & Cantu, D. (2021). Phylogenomics of Plant-Associated Botryosphaeriaceae Species. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 1-18. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.652802. (ID: 26877)


Fukuda, S., Yamamoto, R., Yanagisawa, N., Takaya, N., Sato, Y., Riquelme Pérez, M., & Takeshita, N. (2021). Trade-off between plasticity and velocity in mycelial growth. mBio, 12, e03196-20. doi: 10.1128/mBio.03196-20. (ID: 26965)


Selbmann, L., Benko, Z., Coleine, C., de Hoog, S., Donati, C., Druzhinina, I., Emri, T., Ettinger, C., Gladfelter, A., Gorgushina, A., Grigoriew, I., Grube, M., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Karányi, Z., Kocsis, B., Kubressoian, T., Miklós, I., Miskei, M., Muggia, L., Northen, T., Novak-Babi¿, M., Pennacchio, C., Pfliegler, W., Pòcsi, I., Prigione, V., Riquelme Pérez, M., Segata, N., Schumacher, J., Shelest, E., Tesei, D., U'Ren, J., Varese, G., Vázquez-Campos, X., Vicente, V., Souza, E., Zalar, P., Walker, A., & Stajich, J. (2020). Shed light in The daRk lineagES of the Fungal Tree of Life - STRES. Life, 10(362), 13. doi: 10.3390/life10120362. (ID: 26533)


Martinez Soto, D., Ponce Hernández, A., Maldonado Miranda , J. J., & Carranza Álvarez, C. (2020). Application and viability of macrophytes as green manure. In Hakeem Khalid Rehman, Dar Gowhar Hamid , Mehmood Aneesul Mehmood, Bhat Rouf Ahmad (Eds.), Biofertilizers and phytoremediators: A sustainable continuum for plant and soil health (pp. 69-82). Springer. (ID: 28579) (E)


Rangel Montoya, E. A., Paolinelli, M., Rolshausen, P., & Hernández Martínez, R. (2020). The role of melanin in the grapevine trunk disease pathogen Lasiodiplodia gilanensis. PHYTOPATHOLOGIA MEDITERRANEA, 59(3), 549-563. doi: 10.14601/Phyto-11685. (ID: 26550)


Jimenez Gomez, I., Valdez Muñoz, G., Moreno Perlin, T., Mouriño Pérez, R. R., Sanchez Carbente, M. R., Folch Mallol , J. L., Pérez Llano, Y., Gunde Cimerman, N., Sánchez, N. C., & Batista García, R. A. (2020). Haloadaptative Responses of Aspergillus sydowii to Extreme Water Deprivation: Morphology, Compatible Solutes, and Oxidative Stress at NaCl Saturation. Journal of Fungi, 6(316), 2-20. doi: 10.3390/jof6040316. (ID: 26735)


Ocampo Chavira, P., Eaton González, B. R., & Riquelme Pérez, M. (2020). Of Mice and Fungi: Coccidioides spp. Distribution Models. Journal of Fungi, 6(320). doi: 10.3390/jof6040320. (ID: 26274)


Avila Aviles, R. D., Camacho López, M. A., Castro Longoria, E., Dorazco Gonzalez, A., Hernández Guerrero , N., & Vilchis Néstor, A. R. (2020). SERS properties of biogenic gold nanoparticles synthesized using Anemopsis californica extract. MRS Advances, 5(63), 3397-3406. doi: 10.1557/adv.2020.423. (ID: 26643)


Vargas Gastélum, L. B., & Riquelme Pérez, M. (2020). The Mycobiota of the Deep Sea: What Omics Can Offer. Life, 10(292), 1-18. doi: 10.3390/life10110292. (ID: 26256)


Kagda, M. S., Martinez Soto, D., Ah-Fong, A. M. V., & Judelson, H. S. (2020). Invertases in Phytophthora infestans Localize to Haustoria and Are Programmed for Infection-Specific Expression. mBio, 11(5), 1-17. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01251-20. (ID: 28573) (E)