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Publicaciones en Oceanograía Biológica
Hay 564 publicaciones en Oceanograía Biológica.


Autores / Publicación


Tavares, A., Assis, J., Anderson, L., Raimondi, P., Castilho Coelho, N., Paulino, C., Ladah, L. B., Nakaoka, M., Pearson, G. A., & Serrão, E. A. (2024). Past and future climate effects on population structure and diversity of North Pacific surfgrasses. Journal of Biogeography, 00(00), 12. doi: doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14964. (ID: 29713)


Ramírez Mendoza, Z., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Pardo Rueda, M. A., Herzka Llona, S. Z., Wells, D., Rooker, J. R., Falterman, B. J., & Dreyfus León , M. J. (2024). Mesoscale activity drives the habitat suitability of yellowfin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientific Reports, 14(8256). doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-58613-7. (ID: 29679)


Steenbeek, J., Ortega, P., Bernardello, R., Christensen, V., Coll, M., Exarchou, E., Fuster-Alonso, A., Heneghan, R., Melis, L. J., Pennino, M. G., Rivas Camargo, D. A., & Keenlyside, N. S. (2024). Making ecosystem modeling operational - A novel distributed execution framework to systematically explore ecological responses to divergent climate trajectories. Earth's Future, 12(3), 1-25. doi: 10.1029/2023EF004295. (ID: 29657)


Sampedro Avila, J. E., SampedroLu, K., Xue, J., Liu, Z., & Maske Rubach, H. (2024). The chemical characteristics and mixing behaviors of particulate organic matter from small subtropical rivers in coastal Gulf of Mexico. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 299. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108664. (ID: 29637)


Thompson, A. R., Swalethorp, R., Alksne, M., Santora, J. A., Hazen, E. L., Leising, A., Satterthwaite, E., Syderman, W., Anderson, C., Auth, T. D., Baumann Pickering, S., Baumgartner Mcbride, T. R., BJORKSTEDT, E. P., Bograd, S. J., Bowlin, N. M., Burke, B. J., Daly, E. A., Dewar, H., Field, J., Fisher, J., Garfield, N., Giddings, A., Goericke, R., Golightly, R., Gómez Ocampo, E., Gómez Valdés, J., Hildebrand, J., Jacobson, K. C., Jacox, M., Jahncke, J., Johns, M., Jones, J. M., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Mantua, N., Mcchesney, G. J., Medina, M. E., Melin, S. R., Miranda Bojórquez, L. E., Morgan, C. A., Nickels, C. F., Orben, R. A., Porquez, J. M., Preti, A., ROBERTSON, R. R., Rudnick, D. L., Sakuma, K. M., Schacter, C. R., Schroeder, I. D., Scopel, L., Snodgrass, O., Thompson, S. A., Warzybok, P., Whitaker, K., Watson, W., Weber, E. D., & WELLS, B. (2024). State of the California Current Ecosystem report in 2022: a tale of two La Niñas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1-21. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1294011. (ID: 29660)


Alarcón Ruiz, E., Felipe Caballero, B., Marco Antonio Merino, T., Francisco López, H., & Rivas Camargo, D. A. (2023). Red ciudadana de monitoreo de la calidad del aire de la zona metropolitana del sur de Tamaulipas. Revista temporal DEP, 6(2), 133-155. doi: 10.22206/cac.2023.v6i2.2915. (ID: 29574)


Beltrán Solís, K., García Mendoza, E., Sanchez Serrano, S., & López Acuña, L. M. (2023). Domoic acid affects brain morphology and causes behavioral alterations in two fish species. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 21729. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-49041-0. (ID: 29406)


Eger, A., Aguirre, J. D., Altamirano, M., Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Larissa Arroyo, N., Bauer-Civiello, A., Beas Luna, R., Bekkby, T., Bennett, S., Bernal, B., Blaine, C., Boada, J., Brannigan, S., Bursic, J., Cevallos, B., Choi, C., Connell, S., Edward, C., Earp, H. S., Eddy, N., Matthius, A., Ennis, L., Fallace, A., Ferreira, A. M., Filbee-Dexter, K., Forbes, H., Francis, P., Franco, J., Geisler, K. G., Giraldo-Ospino, A., Gonzalez, A., Hingorani, S., Hohman, R., Iveša, L., Kaleb, S., Keane, J., Koch, S., Krumhansl, K., Ladah, L. B., Lafont, D., Layton, C., Minh Le, D., Chi Lee, L., Ling, S., Lonhart, S., Malpica Cruz, L., Mangialajo, L., McConnell, A., Anoush McHugh, T., Micheli, F., Miller, K., Monserrat, M., Montes-Herrera, J., Moreno, B., Neufeld, C., Orchard, S., Peabody, B., Peleg, O., Pessarrodona, A., Pocklington, J., Reeves, S., Ricart, A., Ross, F., Romina Schanz, F., Schreider, M., Sedarat, M., Smith, S., Starko, S., Strain, E., Tamburello, L., Timmer, B., Toft, J., Uribe, R., van den Burg, S., Vazquez, J., Veenhof, R., Wernberg, T., Wood, G., Zepeda-Domínguez, J. A., & Verges, A. (2023). The Kelp Forest Challenge: A collaborative global movement to protect and restore 4 million hectares of kelp forests. Journal of Applied Phycology, na(na), 15. doi: 10.1007/s10811-023-03103-y. (ID: 29109)


Reséndiz Colorado, G., García Mendoza, E., Almazán Becerril, A., Medina Elizalde, J., Cepeda Morales , J., & Rivera Caicedo, J. P. (2023). Towards the Early Detection of Gymnodinium catenatum Algal Blooms in the Northern Gulf of California. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(1), 22. doi: 10.3390/jmse11091793. (ID: 28902)


Gasca Pineda, J., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., Martínez Mercado, M. A., Jiménez Rosemberg, P., Hereu Romero, C. M., Nakamura, Y., Herzka Llona, S. Z., Compairé, J. C., Gómez Reyes, R. J. E., Flores Robles, J., Saavedra Flores, A., & Arteaga Uribe, M. C. (2023). Community structure and diversity of five groups of zooplankton in the Perdido region of the Gulf of Mexico using DNA metabarcoding. AQUATIC ECOLOGY. doi: 10.1007/s10452-022-10002-w. (ID: 28856)