Autores / Publicación
Meunier, T., Pallás Sanz, E., de Marez, C., Correa Pérez, J. G., Costa de Almeida Tenreiro, M. J., Ruíz Angulo, Á., & Bower S, A. (2021). The Dynamical Structure of a Warm Core Ring as Inferred from Glider Observations and Along-Track Altimetry. Remote Sensing, 13(2456), 1-22. doi: 10.20944/preprints202105.0313.v1. (ID: 27074)
Spinoni, J., Barbosa, P., Bucchignani, E., Cassano, J., Cavazos Pérez, M. T., Cescatti, A., Christensen, J. H., Christensen, O. B., Coppola, E., & et, a. (2021). Global exposure of population and land-use to meteorological droughts under different Warming Levels and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: A Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment-based study. International Journal of Climatology, 41(15), 6825-6853. doi: 10.1002/joc.7302. (ID: 27388)
Colorado Ruiz, G., & Cavazos Pérez, M. T. (2021). Trends of daily extreme and non-extreme rainfall indices and intercomparison with different gridded datasets over Mexico and the southern United States. International Journal of Climatology, 41(11), 5406-5430. doi: 10.1002/joc.7225. (ID: 27390)
Espinosa Ramírez, A. C., & Velasco Fuentes, O. U. (2021). Vortex polygons: Dynamics and associated particle advection. Physics of Fluids, 33. doi: 10.1063/5.0049841. (ID: 27569)
Lilly , J. M., & Pérez Brunius, P. (2021). Extracting statistically significant eddy signals from large Lagrangian datasets using wavelet ridge analysis, with application to the Gulf of Mexico. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 28, 181-212. doi: 10.5194/npg-28-181-2021. (ID: 26915)
Fonseca Hernández, M., Turrent Thompson, C., González Mayor, Y., & Tereshchenko, I. (2021). Using Observational and Reanalysis Data to Explore the Southern Gulf of California Boundary Layer During the North American Monsoon Onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(7), 22. doi: 10.1029/2020JD033508. (ID: 28471)
Bermúdez Romero, A., Magar Brunner, V., Gross, M. S., Godínez Sandoval, V. M., López Mariscal, J. M., & Candela Pérez, J. (2021). In-Stream Tidal Energy Resources in Macrotidal Non-Cohesive Sediment Environments: Effect of Morphodynamic Changes at Two Bays in the Upper Gulf of California. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(4), 411. doi: 10.3390/jmse9040411. (ID: 26910)
Ochoa de la Torre, J. L., Ferreira Bartrina, V., Candela Pérez, J., Sheinbaum Pardo, J., López Mariscal, J. M., Pérez Brunius, P., Herzka Llona, S. Z., & Amon, R. (2021). Deep-Water Warming in the Gulf of Mexico from 2003 to 2019. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(4), 1021-1035. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0295.1. (ID: 27000)
González Sierra, J. F., & Zavala Sansón, L. (2021). Quasi-geostrophic vortex solutions over isolated topography. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 915(A64), 21. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2021.85. (ID: 26886)
Hernandez Hernandez, N., Santana Falcón , Y., Estrada Allis, S. N., & Arístegui, J. (2021). Short-Term Spatiotemporal Variability in Picoplankton Induced by a Submesoscale Front South of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 15. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.592703. (ID: 27424)
Autores / Publicación
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