Autores / Publicación
Pavía López, E. G., & López Mariscal, J. M. (1994). Long-term evolution of elongated warm eddies. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24(10), 2201-2208. (ID: 1976)
Zamudio Lopez, L. F., & López Mariscal, J. M. (1994). On the effect of the alongshore pressure gredient on numerical simulations overr the Northerm Californa Continental shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C8), 16117-16129. doi: 10.1029/94JC01116. (ID: 439)
Graef Ziehl, F., & Magaard, L. (1994). Reflection of nonlinear baroclinic Rossby waves and the driving of secondary mean flows. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24(9), 1867-1894. (ID: 5282)
Herrera Cervantes, H., & Parés Sierra, A. F. (1994). Propagación de variaciones de baja frecuencia en la temperatura superficial del Pacífico nor-oriental. Geofísica Internacional, 33(3), 469-486. (ID: 2060)
Delgado Gonzalez, O. E., & Ocampo Torres, F. J. (1994). Las brisas durante algunos meses de primavera y verano en el noroeste del Golfo de California. Ciencias Marinas, 20(3), 421-440. (ID: 2062)
Ripa Alsina, P. (1994). Horizontal wave propagation in the equatorial waveguide. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 271, 267-284. (ID: 2061)
Castro, R., Lavín Peregrina, M. F., & Ripa Alsina, P. (1994). Seasonal heat balance in the Gulf of California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C2), 3249-3261. (ID: 953)
Simpson, J. H., Souza, J., & Lavín Peregrina, M. F. (1994). Tidal mixing in the Gulf of California. In K.J. Beven, P.C. Chatwin y J.H. Millbank. (Eds.), Mixing and Transport in the Environment (pp. 169-182). (ID: 5939)
Ripa Alsina, P. (1993). Success of Arnol'd's method in a hierarchy of ocean models. Nonlinear Processes in Physics, 310-314. (ID: 1047)
St. John, M. A., Marinone Moschetto, S. G. L., Stronach, J., Harrison, P. J., Fyfe, J., & Beamish, R. J. (1993). A horizontally resolving physical-biological model of nitrate concentration and primary productivity in the strait of Georgia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 50, 1456-1466. (ID: 1847)
Autores / Publicación
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