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Hay 929 publicaciones en Óptica.


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Shcherbin, K., Danylyuk, V., & Khomenko, A. (2006). Visualization of space-charge waves in photorefractive semiconductor using polarimetric technique. Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics, 7(4), 164-170. (ID: 9195)


Macías Guzmán, D., Olague Caballero, G., & Méndez Méndez, E. R. (2006). Inverse scattering with far-field intensity data: Random surfaces that belong to a well-defined statistical class. Waves in Random and Complex Media, 16(4), 545-560. (ID: 10316)


Robles Agudo, M., Cudney Bueno, R. S., & Ríos Osuna, L. A. (2006). RGB source based on simultaneous quasi-phase-matched second and third harmonic generation in periodically poled lithium niobate. Optics Express, 14(22), 10663-10668. (ID: 7504)


Stevenson, D. J., Lake, T. K., Agate, B., Garcés Chávez, V. G., Dholakia, K., & Gunn Moore, F. J. (2006). Optically guided neuronal growth at near infrared wavelengths. Optics Express, 14(21), 9786-9793. (ID: 13158) (E)


Rangel Rojo, R., Castelo, A., Flores Arias, M. T., Gómez Reino, C., López Gascón, C. I., & De La Fuente, G. F. (2006). Refractive index modification in glass by laser backwriting ablation of metals. Optics Express, 14(19), 8765-8771. (ID: 7424)


Lee, W. M., Garcés Chávez, V. G., & Dholakia, K. (2006). Interference from multiple trapped colloids in an optical vortex beam. Optics Express, 14(16), 7436-7446. (ID: 13159) (E)


Stepanov, S., & Núñez Santiago, C. (2006). Intensity dependence of the transient two-wave mixing by population grating in Er-doped fiber. Optics Communications, 264, 105-115. (ID: 9750)


Kukushkin, S. A., Osipov, A. V., & Shlyagin, M. (2006). Formation of pores in the optical fiber exposed to intense pulsed UV radiation. Technical Physics, 51(8), 1035-1045. (ID: 11389)


Cizmar, T., Siler, M., Sery, M., Zemanek, P., Garcés Chávez, V. G., & Dholakia, K. (2006). Optical sorting and detection of submicrometer objets in a motional standing wave. Physical Review B, 74(3), 035105/1-6. (ID: 13154) (E)


Álvarez Borrego, J., & Fájer Ávila, E. J. (2006). Identification of platyhelminth parasites of the wild bullseye pufferfish (Sphoeroides annulatus Jenyns, 1853) using invariant digital color correlation. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 41(1), 129-139. (ID: 7904)