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Hay 929 publicaciones en Óptica.


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Kamshilin, A. A., Raita, E., & Khomenko, A. (1996). Intensity redistribution in a thin photorefractive crystal caused by strong fanning effect and internal reflections. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 13(11), 2536-2543. (ID: 1127)


Jamasbi Jahromi, N., Mohebi, M., & Diels, J. (1996). A femtosecond optical technique to study ultrafast oscillating systems in real time. Journal of Optics, 27(3), 105-109. (ID: 1113)


Escamilla Taylor, H. M., Méndez Méndez, E. R., & Martinez Garcia, A. (1996). Image formation in the double-passage scattering configuration. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 13(7), 1439-1447. (ID: 1432)


Xiao, M., Negrete Regagnon, P., & Siqueiros Beltrones, J. M. (1996). Infrared scanning gap optical microscope with far field pickup. Optik, 104(1), 40-41. (ID: 1994)


Mohebi, M., Jamasbi Jahromi, N., & Liu, J. (1996). Simulation of the formation of nonequilibrium structures in magnetorheological fluids in subjects to an external magnetic field. Physical Review E, 54(5), 5407-5413. (ID: 1598)


Zavala Hamz, V. A., Álvarez Borrego, J., & Trujillo Ortiz, A. (1996). Diffraction patterns as a tool to recognize copepods. Journal of Plankton Research, 18(8), 1471-1484. (ID: 2009)


Green, R., Camacho López, S., & Damzen, M. (1996). Experimental investigation of vector phase conjugation in Nd3+:YAG. Optics Letters, 21(16), 1214-1216. (ID: 18714) (E)


Negrete Regagnon, P. (1996). Practical aspects of image recovery by means of the bispectrum. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 13(7), 1557-1576. (ID: 1997)


Khomenko, A., García Weidner, A., & Tentori Santa Cruz, D. (1996). Enhanced beam amplification in a photorefractive Bi12TiO20 crystal by internal reflections. Optics Letters, 21(11), 776-778. (ID: 1434)


Khomenko, A., García Weidner, A., & Kamshilin, A. A. (1996). Amplification of optical signals in Bi12TiO20 crystal by the photorefractive surface waves. Optics Letters, 21(14), 1014-1016. (ID: 1655)