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Hay 929 publicaciones en Óptica.


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Duelli, M., Cudney Bueno, R. S., & Günter, P. (1996). Discrimination of enclosed images by weighted storage in an optical associative memory. Optics Communications, 123, 49-54. (ID: 6448)


Negrete Regagnon, P. (1996). Phase recovery from the bispectrum aided by the error-reduction algorithm. Optics Letters, 21(4), 275-277. (ID: 1445)


Maradudin, A. A., & Méndez Méndez, E. R. (1996). The utility of an impedance boundary condition in the scattering of light from one-dimensional randomly rough dielectric surfaces. Optics and Spectroscopy, 80(3), 409-420. (ID: 1431)


Damzen, M., Camacho López, S., & Green, R. (1996). Wave-Mixing and Vector Phase Conjugation by Polarization-Dependent Saturable Absorption in Cr4+:YAG. Physical Review Letters, 76(16), 2894-2897. (ID: 18718) (E)


Flores, G. A., Ivey, M. L., Liu, J., Mohebi, M., & Jamasbi Jahromi, N. (1996). Field-induced labyrinthine patterns in ferrofluid emulsions. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 10(23 y 24), 3283-3292. (ID: 1435)


Mahgerefteh, D., Kirillov, D., Cudney Bueno, R. S., Bacher, G. D., Pierce, R. M., & Feinberg, J. (1996). Anisotropy of the hole drift mobility in barium titanate. Physical Review B, 53(11), 7094-7098. (ID: 6596)


Fousek, J., Cudney Bueno, R. S., Zgonik, M., & Günter, P. (1995). Ferroelectric domain response to photorefractive space charge fields. Ferroelectrics, 172, 85-94. (ID: 1668)


Crook, R. J., Sambles, J. R., Rangel Rojo, R., Spruce, G., & Wherrett, B. S. (1995). The electronic nonlinear optical behaviour of a grating coupled polymer 9BCMU waveguide. Journal of Applied Physics, 28, 269-274. (ID: 2014)


Duelli, M., Cudney Bueno, R. S., Keller, C., & Günter, P. (1995). All-optical associative memory using photorefractive crystals and a saturable absorber. Optical Engineering, 34(7), 2044-2048. (ID: 1669)


Zayas Saucedo, M. E., Márquez Becerra, H., Rivera, E., & Rincón, J. M. (1995). Optical characterization of black glasses from the ZnO-CdO-Al2O3-SiO2 composition system. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 14, 1574-1576. (ID: 320)