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Publicaciones en Oceanograía Física
Hay 958 publicaciones en Oceanograía Física.


Autores / Publicación


Marinone Moschetto, S. G. L., Lavín Peregrina, M. F., & Parés Sierra, A. F. (2011). A quantitative characterization of the seasonal Lagrangian circulatioin of the Gulf of California from a three-dimensional numerical model. Continental Shelf Research, 31(14), 1420-1426. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2011.05.014. (ID: 16671)


Hwang, P. A., Ocampo Torres, F. J., & García Nava, H. (2011). Wind sea and swell separation of 1D wave spectrum by a spectrum integration method. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29(1), 116-128. doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00075.1. (ID: 14666)


Jouanno, J., Marin, F., Du Penhoat, Y., Sheinbaum Pardo, J., & Molines, J. M. (2011). Seasonal heat balance in the upper 100 m of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(C09003), 1-19. doi: 10.1029/2010JC006912. (ID: 14914)


Rentería Cano, M., Sánchez Velasco, L., Shumilin, E., Lavín Peregrina, M. F., & Gómez Gutiérrez, J. (2011). Major and trace elements in zooplankton from the Northern Gulf of California during summer. Biological Trace Element Research, 142(3), 848-864. doi: 10.1007/s12011-010-8820-0. (ID: 15682)


Reeve, D. E., Cheng, Y., Pan, S., Magar Brunner, V., Simmonds, D. J., & Zacharioudaki, A. (2011). An investigation of the impacts of climate change on wave energy generation: the wave hub, Cornwall, UK. Renewable Energy, 36(9), 2404-2413. doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2011.02.020. (ID: 17263) (E)


Coronado Méndez, C. A., Czitrom Baus, S., Imberger, J., & Ramírez Aguilar, M. I. (2011). Three-dimensional modeling of a wave-driven seawater pump inflow to the Port of Ensenada, México. Journal of Coastal Research. doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-11-00015.1. (ID: 12560)


Dubranna, J., Pérez Brunius, P., López Mariscal, J. M., & Candela Pérez, J. (2011). Circulation over the continental shelf of the western and southwestern Gulf of México. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(C08009). doi: 10.1029/2011JC007007. (ID: 16265)


Forcart, F., Roget, E., Figueroa Rodríguez, J. M., & Sánchez Martín, X. (2011). Earth rotation effects on the internal wave field in a stratified small lake: Numerical simulations. Limnetica, 30(1), 27-42. (ID: 12194)


Starczak, V., Pérez Brunius, P., Levine, H., Gyory, J., & Pineda, J. (2011). The role of season and salinity influencing barnacle distributions in two adjacent coastal mangrove lagoons. Bulletin of Marine Science, 87(3), 275-299. doi: 10.5343/bms.2010.1022. (ID: 12462)


Hwang, P. A., García Nava, H., & Ocampo Torres, F. J. (2011). Dimensionally consistent similarity relation of ocean surface friction coefficient in mixed seas. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41(6), 1227-1238. doi: 10.1175/2011JPO4566.1. (ID: 12432)