Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California
Identifican cuatro proteínas que mejoran el diagnóstico de cáncer de mama
Un grupo de investigación integrado por científicos y médicos especialistas identificó cuatro proteínas capaces de diferenciar con exactitud entre tumores malignos y benignos en pacientes con sospecha de cáncer de mama.
De la granja a la mesa: el cultivo de lobina rayada por el StriperHub
Investigadores de la Universidad Estatal de Carolina del Norte visitaron el CICESE para impartir un seminario en el que expusieron el trabajo del StriperHub, un consorcio dedicado a promover el cultivo y la industria de lobina rayada en EEUU.
Calor ambiental, oxígeno y material combustible constituyen el triángulo del fuego. Si a la ecuación se suman sequías, Vientos Santa Ana y un evento de La Niña, el resultado puede ser tan desolador como los recientes incendios en la región.
Convoca el CICESE a simposio sobre citometría en oceanografía y acuacultura
El CICESE, a través del Subsistema Nacional de Recursos Genéticos Acuáticos (Subnargena), invita a investigadores, profesionistas y estudiantes al simposio “Citometría en oceanografía y acuacultura: un mar de posibilidades”, del 9 a 11 de abril.
Ponente(s): Dr. Leonardo Trujillo
Resumen: Current work in AI can be described as inspirational, highlighted by the recent Nobel prizes awarded in chemistry and physics. However, many researchers also share a feeling of disappointment and confusion regarding the state of AI. The former is often due to issues related to ethics, governance, privacy, climate change and trustworthiness, while the latter is often caused by the inability of some of the most powerful AI systems to solve logical and arithmetic tasks that are simple for a human to solve. Moreover, with headline-grabbing AI research predominantly moving to industry, researchers in academia are often left feeling "depressed", as pointed out by Togelius and Yannakakis in a recent position paper published in IEEE. This talk will discuss some of these issues from the perspective of the recent 30th anniversary of the foundational book on Genetic Programming by J. Koza and the commemorative Peer Commentary published in the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. Moreover, the talk presents some of the main work and results on Genetic Programming that is being carried out by students and researchers at the Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana, in Tijuana Mexico, in this inspired, disappointing and perplexing era in AI.
Leonardo Trujillo received a doctorate in computer science from the CICESE Research Center in Mexico in 2008. He is currently a Professor at the Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana, in Tijuana, Mexico
Resumen: El seminario será virtual en Zoom:
Vertical velocities associated with surface mesoscale eddies and submesoscale fronts and filaments generate important vertical fluxes of carbon and other biogeochemical tracers from the surface layer to depths below the mixed layer. Vertical velocities are very weak (about a thousand times smaller than horizontal velocities) and characterized by small scales which make them difficult to properly monitor. The project entitled Coherent Lagrangian Pathways from the Surface Ocean to Interior (CALYPSO, Office of Naval Research initiative) addresses the challenge of observing, understanding, and predicting the vertical velocities and three-dimensional pathways on subduction processes in the Alboran and Balearic seas. We combine multi-platform in-situ observations with high-resolution numerical simulations both in free-run and data-assimilative modes. The simulations are shown to realistically reproduce the main characteristics of the Alboran and Balearic fronts and some of the associated submesoscale patterns, providing an appropriate tool to analyze the processes responsible for vertical velocity development. In spring 2018 the analysis of CALYPSO Alboran Sea experiment showed that I) the western front vertical velocities were intensified by frontogenesis, instabilities, and Ekman effects and II) the eastern front intensification was governed by filamentogenesis associated with a cold filament. The results in winter 2022 of the CALYPSO Balearic
Ponente(s): Ing. Fís. Luis Eduardo Sánchez González
Resumen: Los materiales bidimensionales, como el grafeno, han generado un gran interés debido a sus propiedades físicas únicas y su potencial para aplicaciones tecnológicas. Entre sus características más destacadas, se encuentra el comportamiento de los electrones como fermiones de Dirac sin masa, lo que da lugar a una clasificación conocida como materiales de Dirac. En esta plática, explicaremos las propiedades fundamentales de estos materiales, con un enfoque en su respuesta óptica, es decir, su interacción con la luz. Nos centraremos en el grafeno y en variantes estructurales obtenidas mediante modulaciones espaciales, que alteran la periodicidad de su red cristalina. Finalmente, discutiremos cómo la respuesta óptica puede revelar “firmas” características que permiten identificar y estudiar estas modulaciones, destacando su importancia en el contexto de materiales bidimensionales. Enlace: https://zoom.us/j/97747200810?pwd=mxfGxjrNCoaUORhr2QIyfqY6iQDPvq.1 Clave de acceso: 526026
Ponente(s): Dr. Antonio González Fernández
Resumen: En esta presentación se hablará de la historia de formación de este sistema de laboratorios a nivel nacional y como se ha ido transformando para llegar al presente. Así como la perspectiva que se tiene para el futuro, incluyendo algunos retos y oportunidades que se han ido identificando
Ponente(s): Dr. Leonardo Trujillo
Resumen: Current work in AI can be described as inspirational, highlighted by the recent Nobel prizes awarded in chemistry and physics. However, many researchers also share a feeling of disappointment and confusion regarding the state of AI. The former is often due to issues related to ethics, governance, privacy, climate change and trustworthiness, while the latter is often caused by the inability of some of the most powerful AI systems to solve logical and arithmetic tasks that are simple for a human to solve. Moreover, with headline-grabbing AI research predominantly moving to industry, researchers in academia are often left feeling "depressed", as pointed out by Togelius and Yannakakis in a recent position paper published in IEEE. This talk will discuss some of these issues from the perspective of the recent 30th anniversary of the foundational book on Genetic Programming by J. Koza and the commemorative Peer Commentary published in the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. Moreover, the talk presents some of the main work and results on Genetic Programming that is being carried out by students and researchers at the Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana, in Tijuana Mexico, in this inspired, disappointing and perplexing era in AI.
Leonardo Trujillo received a doctorate in computer science from the CICESE Research Center in Mexico in 2008. He is currently a Professor at the Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana, in Tijuana, Mexico
Resumen: El seminario será virtual en Zoom:
Vertical velocities associated with surface mesoscale eddies and submesoscale fronts and filaments generate important vertical fluxes of carbon and other biogeochemical tracers from the surface layer to depths below the mixed layer. Vertical velocities are very weak (about a thousand times smaller than horizontal velocities) and characterized by small scales which make them difficult to properly monitor. The project entitled Coherent Lagrangian Pathways from the Surface Ocean to Interior (CALYPSO, Office of Naval Research initiative) addresses the challenge of observing, understanding, and predicting the vertical velocities and three-dimensional pathways on subduction processes in the Alboran and Balearic seas. We combine multi-platform in-situ observations with high-resolution numerical simulations both in free-run and data-assimilative modes. The simulations are shown to realistically reproduce the main characteristics of the Alboran and Balearic fronts and some of the associated submesoscale patterns, providing an appropriate tool to analyze the processes responsible for vertical velocity development. In spring 2018 the analysis of CALYPSO Alboran Sea experiment showed that I) the western front vertical velocities were intensified by frontogenesis, instabilities, and Ekman effects and II) the eastern front intensification was governed by filamentogenesis associated with a cold filament. The results in winter 2022 of the CALYPSO Balearic
Ponente(s): Ing. Fís. Luis Eduardo Sánchez González
Resumen: Los materiales bidimensionales, como el grafeno, han generado un gran interés debido a sus propiedades físicas únicas y su potencial para aplicaciones tecnológicas. Entre sus características más destacadas, se encuentra el comportamiento de los electrones como fermiones de Dirac sin masa, lo que da lugar a una clasificación conocida como materiales de Dirac. En esta plática, explicaremos las propiedades fundamentales de estos materiales, con un enfoque en su respuesta óptica, es decir, su interacción con la luz. Nos centraremos en el grafeno y en variantes estructurales obtenidas mediante modulaciones espaciales, que alteran la periodicidad de su red cristalina. Finalmente, discutiremos cómo la respuesta óptica puede revelar “firmas” características que permiten identificar y estudiar estas modulaciones, destacando su importancia en el contexto de materiales bidimensionales. Enlace: https://zoom.us/j/97747200810?pwd=mxfGxjrNCoaUORhr2QIyfqY6iQDPvq.1 Clave de acceso: 526026
Ponente(s): Dr. Antonio González Fernández
Resumen: En esta presentación se hablará de la historia de formación de este sistema de laboratorios a nivel nacional y como se ha ido transformando para llegar al presente. Así como la perspectiva que se tiene para el futuro, incluyendo algunos retos y oportunidades que se han ido identificando