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Publicaciones en Oceanograía Física
Hay 973 publicaciones en Oceanograía Física.


Autores / Publicación


Ocampo Torres, F. J. (2001). On the homogeneity of the wave field in coastal regions as determined from ERS-2 and RADARSAT synthetic aperture radar images of the ocean surface. Scientia Marina, 65(Suppl. 1), 215-228. (ID: 4582)


González Navarro, J. I., Farreras Sanz, S. F., & Ochoa de la Torre, J. L. (2001). Seismic and meteorological tsunami contribution in the Manzanillo and Cabo San Lucas Seiches of september 14, 1995. Marine Geodesy, 24, 219-227. (ID: 3814)


Ripa Alsina, P. (2001). Waves and resonance in free-boundary baroclinic instability. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 428, 387-408. (ID: 4186)


Ochoa de la Torre, J. L., Sheinbaum Pardo, J., Badan Dangon, A. R. F., Candela Pérez, J., & Wilson, D. (2001). Geostrophy via potential vorticity inversion in the Yucatan Channel. Journal of Marine Research, 59, 725-747. (ID: 3092)


Zavala Sansón, L. (2001). The asymmetric Ekman decay of cyclonic and anticyclonic vortices. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 20, 541-556. (ID: 2579)


Zavala Sansón, L., Van Heijst, G. J. F., & Backx, N. A. (2001). Ekman decay of a dipolar vortex in a rotating fluid. Physics of Fluids, 13(2), 440-451. (ID: 6582)


Velasco Fuentes, O. U. (2001). Chaotic advection by two interacting finite-area vortices. Physics of Fluids, 13, 901-912. (ID: 4445)


Farreras Sanz, S. F. (2001). Alerta!! Maremoto!! Tsunami!! Qué hacer??. , 1-31. (ID: 2246)


Sluyter, A., & Cavazos Pérez, M. T. (2001). Geography and Climate. In Susan Toby Evans y David L. Webster (Eds.), Archaeology of ancient Mexico and Central America. An Encyclopedia (1 ed., pp. 292-299). Garland Publishing, Inc. (ID: 8651) (E)


Ripa Alsina, P. (2000). Effects of the Earth's curvature on the dynamics of isolated objects. Part II: The uniformly translating vortex. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 30, 2504-2514. (ID: 2459)