Autores / Publicación
Hernández Cruz, N., Nugent, C., McChesney, I., Zhang, S., & Favela Vara, J. (2019). Adoption of the activation function fusion approach to identify human activity recognition in a semi-supervised neural network. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems. doi: 10.4108/eai.30-10-2018.161669. (ID: 25603)
Cruz Sandoval, D., & Favela Vara, J. (2019). A Conversational Robot to Conduct Therapeutic Interventions for Dementia. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 18(2), 10-19. doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2019.2907020. (ID: 25001)
Cruz Sandoval, D., Beltrán Márquez, J., Garcia Constantino, M., González Jasso, L. A., Favela Vara, J., López Nava, I. H., Cleland, I., Ennis, A., Hernández Cruz, N., Rafferty, J., Synnott, J., & Nugent, C. (2019). Semi-Automated Data Labeling for Activity Recognition in Pervasive Healthcare. Sensors. doi: 10.3390/s19143035. (ID: 25002)
Cruz Sandoval, D., & Favela Vara, J. (2019). Incorporating Conversational Strategies in a Social Robot to Interact with People with Dementia. DEMENTIA AND GERIATRIC COGNITIVE DISORDERS. doi: 10.1159/000497801. (ID: 25601)
Beltrán Márquez, J., Navarro Hernández, R. F., Chávez González, E. L., Favela Vara, J., Soto Mendoza, V., & Ibarra Enríquez, C. (2018). Recognition of audible disruptive behavior from people with dementia. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. doi: 10.1007/s00779-018-01188-8. (ID: 24108)
Favela Vara, J., & Castro Quiroa, L. A. (2018). Technology and Aging: Ubiquitous Sensing Technology for Aging Research. In García-Peña C., Gutiérrez-Robledo L., Pérez-Zepeda M. (Eds.), Aging Research - Methodological Issues (2 ed., pp. 175-184). Springer. (ID: 24487)
Menchaca Méndez, R., Luna Núñez, B., Menchaca Méndez, R., Yee-Rendon, A., Quinterio, R., & Favela Vara, J. (2018). Opportunistic Mobile Sensing in the Fog. WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING, 2018, 18. doi: 10.1155/2018/2796282. (ID: 23813)
Hernández Cruz, N., & Favela Vara, J. (2018). Assessing the Perception of Physical Fatigue using Mobile Sensing. In Miguel A. Wister, Pablo Pancardo, Francisco D. Acosta, Jose A. Hernán (Eds.), Intelligent Data Sensing and Processing for Health and Well-being Applications (1 ed., pp. 161-173). Academic Press. (ID: 23534)
Parra Espinoza, M. O., Favela Vara, J., Castro Quiroa, L. A., & Morales Tellez, A. (2018). Monitoring Eating Behaviors for a Nutritionist e-Assistant using Crowdsourcing. Computer, 51(3), 43-51. doi: 10.1109/MC.2018.1731078. (ID: 23498)
Hernández Cruz, N., Arnrich, B., Favela Vara, J., Ersoy, C., Demiray, B., & Fontecha, J. (2017). A multi-site study on walkability, data sharing and privacy perception using mobile sensing data gathered from the mk-sense platform. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-13. doi: 10.1007/s12652-017-0642-x. (ID: 22711)
Favela Vara, J. (2017). Pervasive Technologies for Perception Change. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 16(3), 78-81. doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2017.2940962. (ID: 23497)
Hernández Cruz, N., Castro Quiroa, L. A., Favela Vara, J., Michán Aguirre, L., & Arnrich, B. (2017). Data Quality in Mobile Sensing Datasets for Pervasive Healthcare. In Samee U., KhanAlbert Y., ZomayaAssad Abbas (Eds.), Handbook of Large-Scale Distributed Computing in Smart Healthcare (pp. 217-238). Springer. (ID: 22584)
Connelly , K., Mayora, O., Favela Vara, J., Jacobs, M., Matic, A., Nugent, C., & Wagner, S. (2017). The Future of Pervasive Health. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 16(1), 16-20. doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2017.17. (ID: 21314)
Velázquez Montalvo, A. R., Martínez García, A. I., Favela Vara, J., & Ochoa, S. F. (2017). Adaptive Exergames to support active aging: An action research study. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 34, 60-78. doi: 10.1016/j.pmcj.2016.09.002. (ID: 20928)
Miranda Bojórquez, D. A., Favela Vara, J., & Arnrich, B. (2017). Detecting Anxiety States when Caring for People with Dementia. METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE, 56, 55-62. doi: 10.3414/ME15-02-0012. (ID: 21023)