Autores / Publicación
Segovia Olvera, P., Coello Cárdenas, V. M., & Elizondo Villarreal, N. (2012). Medición del tamaño de nanopartículas metálicas usando un biosensor óptico. Reporte Ciencia Nuevo León. (ID: 15249)
Cortés Martínez, R., Coello Cárdenas, V. M., Segovia Olvera, P., García Ortiz, C. E., Merlo, J. M., & Aguilar Valdez, J. F. (2011). Interference in far-field radiation of evanescent fields. Surface Review and Letters, 18(6), 261-265. doi: 10.1142/S0218625X11014746. (ID: 12993)
Merlo, J. M., Aguilar Valdez, J. F., Martí Panameño, E., Cortés Martínez, R., & Coello Cárdenas, V. M. (2011). Angle dependence of the interaction distance in the shear force technique. Review of Scientific Instruments, 82(8), 083704. doi: 10.1063/1.3624691. (ID: 12995)
Coello Cárdenas, V. M., Cortés Martínez, R., Segovia Olvera, P., García Ortiz, C. E., & Elizondo Villarreal, N. (2010). Plasmonic phenomena in nanoarrays of metallic particles. In Kristina N. Helsey (Eds.), Plamons: Theory and Applications. Nova Science Publishers. (ID: 13866)
Cortés Martínez, R., & Coello Cárdenas, V. M. (2009). Modelling of plasmonic phenomena in nanostructured surfaces. NANO, 4(4), 201-216. (ID: 13437)
Coello Cárdenas, V. M., & Bozhevolnyi, S. I. (2009). Surface plasmon polariton excitation and manipulation by nanoparticle arrays. Optics Communications, 282(14), 3032-3036. (ID: 10259)
Coello Cárdenas, V. M. (2008). Surface plasmon polariton localization. Surface Review and Letters, 15(6), 867-879. (ID: 10060)
Cortés Martínez, R., Villagómez Tamez, R., Coello Cárdenas, V. M., & López Villegas, R. (2008). Laser beam quality factor (M2) measured by distorted fresnel zone plates. Revista Mexicana de Física, 54(4), 279-283. (ID: 11155)
Cortés Martínez, R., Villagómez Tamez, R., López Villegas, R., & Coello Cárdenas, V. M. (2008). Laser percussion drilling on thin mild steel sheet based on the duty cycle variations of a pulsed RF SLAB CO2 laser. Surface Review and Letters, 15(3), 227-231. (ID: 11402)
Coello Cárdenas, V. M. (2007). Near-field optical microscopy of surface plasmon polaritons nano-optics. In A. Méndez-Vilas, J. Díaz (Eds.), Modern Research and Educational Topics in Microscopy. Microscopy books series (pp. 828-839). Formatex. (ID: 9801)
Villagómez Tamez, R., López Villegas, R., Cortés Martínez, R., & Coello Cárdenas, V. M. (2007). Integral plug-in RF module in a CO2 hybrid-waveguide laser: Its performance and overall evaluation. Optik, 118(3), 110-114. (ID: 9522)
Beermann, J., Bozhevolnyi, S. I., & Coello Cárdenas, V. M. (2006). Modeling of nonlinear microscopy of localized field enhancements in random metal nanostructures. Physical Review B, 73, 1-10. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.115408. (ID: 11640)
Martínez, C., Coello Cárdenas, V. M., Cortés Martínez, R., & Villagómez Tamez, R. (2005). Evanescent microwave microscopy. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 47, S152-S156. (ID: 7769)
Coello Cárdenas, V. M., Villagómez Tamez, R., Cortés Martínez, R., López Villegas, R., & Martínez, C. (2005). Near-field microscopy of evanescent microwaves. Revista Mexicana de Física, 51(4), 426-430. (ID: 7970)
Coello Cárdenas, V. M., Sondergaard, T., & Bozhevolnyi, S. I. (2004). Modeling of a surface plasmon polarition interferometer. Optics Communications, 240, 345-350. (ID: 7770)