Autores / Publicación
Morales Hernández, J. C., Farfán Molina, L. M., Carrillo González, F. M., Cornejo López, V. M., & Téllez López, J. (2013). Influencia de los ciclones tropicales del periodo de 1970 al 2010 en la región de Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit-Jalisco, México. Investigación y Ciencia, 21(59), 13-23. (ID: 18338)
Farfán Molina, L. M., Alfaro, E. J., & Cavazos Pérez, M. T. (2013). Characteristics of tropical cyclones making landfall on the Pacific coast of Mexico: 1970-2010. Atmósfera, 26(2), 163-182. (ID: 8784)
Raga, G. B., Bracamontes Ceballos, B., Farfán Molina, L. M., & Romero Centeno, R. L. (2013). Landfalling tropical cyclones on the Pacific coast of Mexico: 1850-2010. Atmósfera, 26(2), 209-220. (ID: 14927)
Antinao, J. L., & Farfán Molina, L. M. (2013). Occurrence of landslides during the approach of tropical cyclone Juliette (2001) to Baja California Sur, Mexico. Atmósfera, 26(2), 183-208. (ID: 14800)
Scott, C., Meza, F. J., Varady, R. G., Tiessen, H., Mcevoy, J., Garfin, G. M., Wilder, M., Farfán Molina, L. M., Pineda Pablos, N., & Montaña, E. (2013). Water security and adaptive management in the arid Americas. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(2), 280-289. doi: 10.1080/00045608.2013.754660. (ID: 14726)
Farfán Molina, L. M., Romero Centeno, R. L., & Binimelis De Raga, G. (2012). Observations and forecasts from the landfall of tropical cyclones John, Lane, and Paul (2006) over northwestern Mexico. Weather and Forecasting, 27(6), 1373-1393. doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-11-00108.1. (ID: 16008)
Farfán Molina, L. M. (2012). Hydrometeorological disasters and climate network (REDESCLIM). Transborder climate: Adaptation without Boudaries, 1(1), 7. http://www.climas.arizona.edu/files/climas/pdfs/periodicals/2012Feb_TBS_english_0.pdf. (ID: 14697)
Farfán Molina, L. M. (2011). Eastern Pacific tropical cyclones and their impact over western Mexico. In J. Klapp et al. (Eds.), Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Fluid Dynamics (pp. 135-148). Springer-Verlag. (ID: 14657)
Farfán Molina, L. M. (2011). Hurricanes at landfall over the Baja California Peninsula. In J. Klapp et al. (Eds.), Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Fluid Dynamics (pp. 503-504). Springer-Verlag. (ID: 14658)
Farfán Molina, L. M., Raga, G. B., & Oropeza, F. (2010). Training on tropical cyclones and their passage across the border. Entrenamiento en los ciclones tropicales y su paso a través de la frontera. Border Climate Summary, 1,4-5. (ID: 14160)
Farfán Molina, L. M. (2009). An overview of Hurricane Norbert landfall in Baja California. Border Climate Summary, 1-3. http://www.climas.arizona.edu/forecasts/ResumendelClimadelaFrontera_Jan09.pdf. (ID: 13961)
Farfán Molina, L. M. (2008). Ciclones tropicales en el Pacífico Oriental. Border Climate Summary, 6-7. http://www.climas.arizona.edu/forecasts/ResumendelClimadelaFrontera_Oct08.pdf. (ID: 13439)
Smith, S. V., Bullock Runquist, S. H., Hinojosa Corona, A., Franco Vizcaino, E., Escoto Rodriguez, M., Kretzschmar, T. G., Farfán Molina, L. M., & Salazar Ceseña, J. M. (2007). Soil erosion and significance for carbon fluxes in a mountainous mediterranean-climate watershed. Ecological Applications, 17(5), 1379-1387. (ID: 11532)
Farfán Molina, L. M., & Fogel, I. (2007). Influence of tropical cyclones on humidity patterns over southern Baja California, Mexico. Monthly Weather Review, 135(4), 1208-1224. doi: 10.1175/MWR3356.1. (ID: 10475)
Hazas Izquierdo, R. G., Castañeda Ávila, S., Farfán Molina, L. M., Delgado Jiménez, J. J., Garcia Gradilla, D., & Rodríguez Navarro, J. L. (2006). Opening a university fiber highway between Mexico and the U.S. Future Generation Computer Systems, 22(8), 892-895. (ID: 9056)