Autores / Publicación
Prada Rodrigo, J., Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., Ezquerra, T. A., Moreno Pedraz, P., & Rebollar, E. (2022). Influence of film thickness and substrate roughness on the formation of laser induced periodic surface structures in poly(ethylene terephthalate) films deposited over gold substrates. Optics and Laser Technology, 159, 109007. doi: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2022.109007. (ID: 28329)
Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., Prada Rodrigo, J., Crespo, A., Ezquerra, T. A., Moreno Pedraz, P., & Rebollar, E. (2022). Physicochemical Modifications on Thin Films of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) and Its Nanocomposite with Expanded Graphite Nanostructured by Ultraviolet and Infrared Femtosecond Laser Irradiation. Polymers, 14(23), 5243. doi: 10.3390/polym14235243. (ID: 28328)
Robledo Peralta, A., Torres Castañon, L. A., Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., & Reynoso Cuevas, L. (2022). Lignocellulosic Biomass as Sorbent for Fluoride Removal in Drinking Water. Polymers, 14(23), 5219. doi: 10.3390/polym14235219. (ID: 28325)
López Rayón, F., Arroyo Carrasco, M. L., Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., Salas Montiel, R., & Téllez Limón, R. (2022). Plasmonic-Induced Transparencies in an Integrated Metaphotonic System. Nanomaterials, 12(10), 1701. (ID: 27776)
Robledo Peralta, A., García Quiñonez, L. V., Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., & Reynoso Cuevas, L. (2022). Zr-Based Biocomposite Materials as an Alternative for Fluoride Removal, Preparation and Characteristics. Polymers, 14(8), 1575. doi: 10.3390/polym14081575. (ID: 27797)
Gonzalez Parra, J. C., Robles, V., Devia Cruz , L. F., Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., Cuando Espitia, N., Camacho López, S., & Aguilar, G. (2021). Mitigation of cavitation erosion using laser-induced periodic surface structures. Surfaces and Interfaces, 29, 101692. doi: 10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101692. (ID: 27175)
Prada Rodrigo, J., Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., Paszkiewicz, S., Szymczyk, A., Ezquerra, T. A., Moreno Pedraz, P., & Rebollar, E. (2020). Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structuring of Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) Films Containing Tungsten Disulfide Nanotubes. Polymers, 2020(12), 14. doi: 10.3390/POLYM12051090. (ID: 26528)
Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., Martínez Tong, D. E., Reyes Contreras, A., Paszkiewicz, S., Szymczyk, A., Ezquerra, T. A., Moreno Pedraz, P., & Rebollar, E. (2019). Laterally-resolved mechanical and tribological properties of laser-structured polymer nanocomposites. POLYMER, 168, 7. doi: 10.1016/j.polymer.2019.02.034. (ID: 24905)
Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., Hernandez, M., Paszkiewicz, S., Szymczyk, A., Ros¿aniec, Z., Ezquerra, T. A., Castillejo, M., Moreno Pedraz, P., & Rebollar, E. (2018). Laser induced periodic surface structures formation by nanosecond laser irradiation of poly (ethylene terephthalate) reinforced with Expanded Graphite. Applied Surface Science, (436), 1193-1199. doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.12.147. (ID: 24231) (E)
Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., Paszkiewicz, S., Szymczyk, A., Ros¿aniec, Z., Nogales, A., Ezquerra, T. A., Castillejo, M., Moreno Pedraz, P., & Rebollar, E. (2017). Laser induced periodic surface structures on polymer nanocomposites with carbon nanoadditives. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 123(11), 7. doi: 10.1007/s00339-017-1299-1. (ID: 24491) (E)
Li, L., Nie, W., Li, Z., Romero, C., Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, J., & Chen, F. (2017). Laser-writing of ring-shaped waveguides in BGO crystal for telecommunication band. Optics Express, 25(20), 6. doi: 10.1364/OE.25.024236. (ID: 24493) (E)
Camacho López, M. A., Reyes Contreras, D., Camacho López, M. A., Vilchis Nestór, A. R., Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., & Camacho López, S. (2015). Obtencio¿n de nanoestructuras meta¿licas mediante la te¿cnica de ablacio¿n la¿ser de so¿lidos en li¿quidos. In Marco A. Camacho Lo¿pez, Susana Herna¿ndez Lo¿pez, Gonzalo Marti¿nez Barrera, Dora A. Soli¿s Casados (Eds.), Temas Selectos en Ciencia de Materiales I (pp. 267-290). Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. (ID: 22833)
Reyes Contreras, D., Camacho López, M. A., Camacho López, M. A., Camacho López, S., Rodríguez Beltrán, R. I., & Mayorga Rojas, M. (2015). Influence of the per pulse laser fluence on the optical properties of carbón nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation of solids in liquids. Optics and Laser Technology, 74, 48-52. doi: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2015.05.010. (ID: 19424)