Autores / Publicación
Bedolla Guzmán, Y. R., Marsello, J., Aguirre Muñoz, A., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., & Quillfeldt, P. (2017). Breeding biology, chick growth, and diet of the Least Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma microsoma on Islas San Benito, Mexico. Marine Ornithology, 45(2), 129-138. (ID: 22508)
Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E. (2017). Consequences of Climate Change on the Oceans. In Sosa-Nuñez, Gustavo (Eds.), Widening the Scope of Environmental Policies in North America (pp. 95-110). Springer. (ID: 22567)
Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E. (2017). Changes in composition of summer hyperiid amphipods from a subtropical region of the California current during 2002-2008. Journal of Marine Systems, 165, 13-26. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.09.001. (ID: 20868)
Mcclatchie, S., Goericke, R., Leising, A. W., Auth, T., Bjorskstedt, E., Robertson, R., Brodeur, R. D., du, X., Morgan, C., Chávez, F. P., Debich, A., Hildebrand, J., Field, J., Sakuma, K. M., Jacox, M., Kahru, M., Kudela, R. M., Anderson, C., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Gómez Valdés, J., Jiménez Rosenberg, S. P. A., McCabe, R., Melin, S., Ohman, M. D., Sala, L., Peterson, W. T., Fisher, J., Schroeder, I. D., Bograd, S. J., Hazen, E. L., Schneider, S., Golightly, R., Suryan, R. M., Gladics, A. J., Loredo, S., Porquez, J., Thompson, A., Weber, E. D., Watson, W. H., Trainer, V. L., Warzybok, P., Bradley, R. W., & Jahncke, J. (2016). State of the California Current 2015-16: Comparisons with the 1997-98 El Niño. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 57, 5-61. (ID: 21072)
Espinosa Leal, L. L., & Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E. (2016). Seasonal variability of pelagic amphipods off Baja California during La Niña 2011 and comparison with a "neutral year" (2005). California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 57, 132-150. (ID: 20942)
Thys, T. M., Ryan, J. P., Dewar, H., Perle, C. R., Lyons, K., O¿Sullivan, J., Farwell, C., Howard, M. J., Weng, K. C., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Gaxiola Castro, G., Miranda Bojórquez, L. E., Hazen, E. I., & Bograd, S. J. (2015). Ecology of the Ocean Sunfish, Mola mola, in the southern California Current System. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 471, 64-76. doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2015.05.005. (ID: 19124)
Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Molina González, O., & Murcia Riaño, M. (2015). Zooplankton functional groups from the California Current and climate variability during 1997-2013. CICIMAR Oceánides, 30(1), 45-62. (ID: 19270)
Ladrón de Guevara Porras, P., Heckel Dziendzielewski, G., & Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E. (2015). Spatial and temporal occurrence of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and euphausiids (Nyctiphanes simplex) in the Ballenas Channel, Gulf of California, Mexico. Ciencias Marinas, 41(2), 125-142. doi: 10.7773/cm.v41i2.2497. (ID: 19171)
Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E. (2014). Crustáceos planctónicos como indicadores de variabilidad climática y corrientes marinas. In González Zuarth , C. A., A. Vallarino, J. C. Pérez Jiménez y A. M. Low Pfeng (Eds.), Bioindicadores: guardianes de nuestro futuro ambiental (1 ed., pp. 147-170). Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático. (ID: 18538)
Hereu Romero, C. M., Suárez Morales, E., & Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E. (2014). Registro de una especie oceánica rara de salpa Helicosalpa komaii (Tunicata: Thaliacea: Salpida) en el Pacífico nororiental. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 85(2), 624-629. doi: 10.7550/rmb.36638 . (ID: 17352)
Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E. (2014). Pelagic amphipod assemblage associated with subarctic water off the west coast of the Baja California peninsula. Journal of Marine Systems, 132, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.12.012. (ID: 16954)
Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E. (2014). IMECOCAL: A legitimate child of CalCOFI. Regional Fisheries Oceanography of the California Current System (1 ed., pp. 206-207). Springer. (ID: 16956)
Wells, B. K., Schroeder, I. D., Santora, J. A., Sydeman, W. J., Losekoot, M., Thompson, S. A., Gómez Valdés, J., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Gaxiola Castro, G., Hazen, E. L., Bograd, S. J., Largier, J. L., Golightly, R., Schneider, S., Bjorkstedt, E., Yong Kim, S., Lo, N. C. H., Chávez, F. P., Barceló, C., Suryan, R. M., Gladics, A. J., Horton, C. A., Loeb, V. J., Mcclatchie, S., Weber, E. D., Watson, W. H., Thompson, A., Warzybok, P., Bradley, R. W., Jahncke, J., Fisher, J., Morgan, C., Peterson, J., Daly, E. A., Goericke, R., Campbell, G. S., Hildebrand, J., Peterson, W. T., Brodeur, R. D., Melin, S., Delong, R. L., Auth, T., Harding, J., Field, J., Sakuma, K. M., Hayes, S., Mantua, N., & Abell, J. (2013). State of the California Current 2012-13: No such thing as an "Average" year. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 54(2013), 37-71. (ID: 15478)
Camarillo Coop, S., Salinas Zavala, C. A., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., & Marcaida Aburto, U. (2013). Food in early life stages of Dosidicus gigas (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) from the Gulf of California, México. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. doi: 10.1017/S0025315413000398. (ID: 16684)
Bjorkstedt, E., Goericke, R., Mcclatchie, S., Weber, E. D., Watson, W. H., Lo, N. C. H., Peterson, W. T., Brodeur, R. D., Bograd, S. J., Peterson, J., Durazo Arvizu, R., Gaxiola Castro, G., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Chávez, F., Collins, C. A., Field, J., Sakuma, K. M., Sydeman, W. J., Thompson, S. A., Warzybok, P., Bradley, R. W., Jahncke, J., Schneider, R., Largier, J. L., Kim, S., & Abell, J. (2012). State of the California Current 2011-2012: Ecosystems respond to local forcing as La Niña wavers and wanes. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 53, 41-76. (ID: 14679)