Autores / Publicación
Mar Hernández, J. E., González Escobar, M., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2011). Tectonic framework of Tiburon Basin, Gulf of California, from seismic reflection evidence. International Geology Review. doi: 10.1080/00206814.2011.636988. (ID: 15418)
González Escobar, M., Suárez Vidal, F., Hernández Pérez, J. A., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2010). Seismic reflection-based evidence of a transfer zone between the Wagner and Consag basins: implications for defining the structual geometry of the northern Gulf of California. Geo-Marine Letters. doi: 10.1007/s00367-010-0204-0. (ID: 13740)
González Escobar, M., Aguilar Campos, C., Suárez Vidal, F., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2009). Geometry of the Wagner basin, upper Gulf of California based on seismic reflection. International Geology Review, 51(2), 133-144. (ID: 9826)
Aguilar Campos, C., González Escobar, M., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2008). Geometría de la Cuenca Wagner, Golfo de California, a partir de sísmica de reflexión. GEOS, 28(3), 1-11. (ID: 11760)
Aragón Arreola, M. J., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2007). Westward migration of extension in the Northern Gulf of California, Mexico. Geology, 35(6), 571-574. doi: 10.1130/G23360A.1. (ID: 10662)
Pacheco Romero, M. F., Martín Barajas, J. A., Elders, W. A., Espinosa Cardeña, J. M., Helenes Escamilla, J., & Segura, A. (2006). Stratigraphy and structure of the Altar basin of NW Sonora: Implications for the history of the Colorado River delta and the Salton trough. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 23(1), 1-22. (ID: 8749)
Téllez Duarte, M. A., Helenes Escamilla, J., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2006). Stratigraphy and depositional history of the sepeltura formation (Paleocene) in Northwestern Baja California, México. In Gary H Girty, San Diego State Uniersity, Co-webmaster and John D. Cooper, California State University, Fullerton, Managing Editor, Pacific Section SEPM (Eds.), Using Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Geochemistry to Unravel the Geologic History of the Southwestern Cordillera: A Volume in Honor of Patrick L. Abbott (pp. 123-144). Society for Sedimentary Geology. Pacific Section. (ID: 8008)
Aragón Arreola, M. J., Morandi Soana, M. T., Martín Barajas, J. A., Delgado Argote, L. A., & González Fernández, A. (2005). Structure of the rift basins in the central Gulf of California: Kinematic implications for oblique rifting. Tectonophysics, 409, 19-38. (ID: 9110)
Noyola Medrano, M. C., Hinojosa Corona, A., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2005). Caracterización litológica de regiones desérticas mediante técnicas de percepción remota: Un ejemplo en la franja costera central de Baja California, México. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 22(2), 229-245. (ID: 4952)
Contreras Pérez, J., Martín Barajas, J. A., & Herguera García, J. C. (2005). Subsidence of the Laguna Salada basin, northeastern Baja California, Mexico, inferred from milankovitch climatic changes. Geofísica Internacional, 44(1), 103-111. (ID: 5880)
Persaud, P., Stock Joann, M., Steckler, M. S., Martín Barajas, J. A., Diebold, J., González Fernández, A., & Mountain, G. (2003). Active deformation and shallow structure of the Wagner, Consag and Delfin Basins, northern Gulf of California, Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(B7), doi 10.1029. (ID: 4951)
Johnson, S. E., Paterson, S. R., Fletcher, J. M., Girty H., G., Kimbrough, D. L., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2003). In The Geological Society of America (Eds.), TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF NORTHWESTERN MEXICO AND THE SOUTHWESTERN USA (pp. 494). Geological Society of America. (ID: 29272)
González León, C. M., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2001). Foreword: Special issue on the Geology of Northwestern Mexico and Adjacent Areas. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 14(5), 435-555. (ID: 3503)
Martín Barajas, J. A., Steckler, M. S., & Stock Joann, M. (2001). MARGINS workshop on the rupturing of continental lithosphere in the Gulf of California/Salton trough region. Margins Newsletter, (6), 11-14. (ID: 4396)
Martín Barajas, J. A., Vázquez Hernández, S., Carreño, A. L., Helenes Escamilla, J., Suárez Vidal, F., & Alvarez Rosales, J. (2001). Late neogene stratigraphy and tectonic control on facies evolution in the Laguna Salada Basin, northern Baja California, México. Sedimentary Geology, 144, 5-35. (ID: 2603)