Autores / Publicación
Nevarez Flores, E., Cruz López, R., Zertuche Gonzáles, J., Maske Rubach, H., Ferreira Arrieta, A., Altamirano Gomez, Z., & Sandoval Gil , J. (2024). Bacterial community dynamics on the seaweed Ulva ohnoi during a full cultivation cycle in a land-based aquaculture pond system. Algal Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2024.103847. (ID: 30242)
Sampedro Avila, J. E., SampedroLu, K., Xue, J., Liu, Z., & Maske Rubach, H. (2024). The chemical characteristics and mixing behaviors of particulate organic matter from small subtropical rivers in coastal Gulf of Mexico. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 299. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108664. (ID: 29637)
Maske Rubach, H., Chapa Balcorta, C., sosa alvalos, r., & Hernández Ayón, J. M. (2023). Participación de México en la Red Global de Oxígeno Oceánico (go2ne). In Rivera-Arriaga, E., Azuz-Adeath. I. (Eds.), La Década del Océano en México 2021- 2030: La Ciencia que Necesitamos (pp. 449-452). Universidad Autónoma de Campeche. (ID: 28879)
Paulmier, A., Gerard, E., Ochoa de la Torre, J. L., Dewitte, B., sudre, j., Garcon, V., grelet, j., Mosquera, K., Vergara Ayon, O., & Maske Rubach, H. (2021). High-Sustained Concentrations of Organisms at Very low Oxygen Concentration Indicated by Acoustic Profiles in the Oxygen Deficit Region Off Peru. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8(723056), 723056. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.723056. (ID: 27061)
Garcon, V., karstensen, J., Palacz, a., Telszewski, m., Aparco, T., Breitburg, D., Chávez, F., Coelho, P., coornejo, m., santos, c., fiedler, B., gallo, n., gregoire, M., Gutierrez, D., Hernandez Ayón, M., isensee, k., Koslow, T., Levin, L., marsac, F., & Maske Rubach, H. (2019). Multidisciplinary Observing in the World Ocean¿s Oxygen Minimum Zone Regions: From Climate to Fish - The VOICE Initiative. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6(722), 1-22. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00722. (ID: 25295)
Villegas Mendoza, J., Cajal Medrano, R., & Maske Rubach, H. (2019). B12 production by marine microbial communities and Dinoroseobacter shibae continuous cultures under different growth and respiration rates. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 83(3), 251-262. doi: 10.3354/ame01921. (ID: 25091)
Villegas Mendoza, J., Cajal Medrano, R., & Maske Rubach, H. (2019). The Chemical Transformation of the Cellular Toxin INT (2-(4-Iodophenyl)-3-(4-Nitrophenyl)-5-(Phenyl) Tetrazolium Chloride) as an Indicator of Prior Respiratory Activity in Aquatic Bacteria. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 20(3), 782. doi: 10.3390/ijms20030782. (ID: 24782)
Cruz López, R., Maske Rubach, H., yarimizu, k., & holland, n. (2018). The B-Vitamin Mutualism Between the Dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum and the Bacterium Dinoroseobacter shibae. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00274. (ID: 23875)
Bretagnon, M., Paulmier, A., Garcon, V., Dewitte, B., Illig, S., LEBLOND, N., Copolla, L., Campos Gonzales, F. E., Velazco, F., Panagiotopoulos, C., Oeschlies, A., Hernández Ayón, J. M., Maske Rubach, H., Vergara Ayon, O., Montes, I., Martinez, P., Carrasco, E., Grelet, J., Deprez, O., Maes, C., & Scouarnec, L. (2018). Modulation of the vertical particle transfer efficiency in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru. Biogeosciences, (15), 5093-5111. doi: 10.5194/bg-15-5093-2018. (ID: 23873)
Hakspiel Seguro, C., Cajal Medrano, R., Maske Rubach, H., & Villegas Mendoza, J. (2017). Temporal and spatial distribution of transparent exopolymer particles off the northern coast of Baja California, Mexico. Ciencias Marinas, 43(4), 249-267. doi: 10.7773/cm.v43i4.2732. (ID: 23316)
Maske Rubach, H., Cajal Medrano, R., & Villegas Mendoza, J. (2017). Substrate-Limited and -Unlimited Coastal Microbial Communities Show Different Metabolic Responses with Regard to Temperature. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02270. (ID: 22685)
Villegas Mendoza, J., Maske Rubach, H., Cajal Medrano, R., & Lara Lara, J. R. (2017). Actividad respiratoria de la comunidad microbiana en la corriente de California y Golfo de México. In Paz, F., R. Torres y A. Velázquez (Eds.), Estado Actual del Conocimiento del Ciclo del Carbono y sus Interacciones en México: Síntesis a 2017 (pp. 313-317). Programa Mexicano del Carbono, A.C. (ID: 23111)
Maske Rubach, H., Hernandez Ayon, J. M., & Beier, E. J. (2017). Aguas oceánicas subsuperficiales sin oxígeno, pero abundantes en carbono inorgánico y nutrientes, frente a las costas del Pacífico de México. Elementos para Políticas Públicas, 1(1), 25-34. (ID: 22516)
Cruz López, R., & Maske Rubach, H. (2016). The Vitamin B1 and B12 Required by the Marine Dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum Can Be Provided by Its Associated Bacterial Community in Culture. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 13. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00560. (ID: 20582)
Viilegas Mendoza, J., Cajal Medrano, R., & Maske Rubach, H. (2015). INT (2-(4-Iodophenyl)-3-(4-Nitrophenyl)-5-(Phenyl) Tetrazolium Chloride) Is Toxic to Prokaryote Cells Precluding Its Use with Whole Cells as a Proxy for In Vivo Respiration. Microbial Ecology. doi: 10.1007/s00248-015-0626-3. (ID: 19112)