Autores / Publicación
Flores Cuadras, J. R., Medina Monroy, J. L., Chávez Pérez, R. A., & Lobato Morales, H. (2018). Flexible thin antenna solution for wearable ankle bracelet applications with GNSS and BLE connectivity. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 60(5), 1239-1245. doi: 10.1002/mop.31141. (ID: 23654)
Kelly Martínez, R. J., & Monroy Lara, M. C. (2018). A Brief tour on exotic control objectives in robotics. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, 8(2), 53-59. doi: 10.17265/2159-5275/2018.02.002. (ID: 24007)
Spirine, V., López Mercado, C., Mégret, P., & Fotiadi, A. (2018). Fiber Laser for Phase-Sensitive Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry. In Fei Xu and Chengbo Mou (Eds.), Selected Topics on Optical Fiber Technologies and Applications (pp. 197-211). In-Tech. (ID: 24409)
Mendieta Jiménez, F. J., Rizo Domínguez, L., Muñoz Rodríguez, D., Vargas Rosales, C., Ramirez Pacheco, J., & Villalpando Hernandez, R. (2018). Internet delay forecasting for correlated and uncorrelated scenarios. International Journal of Communication Systems, 31(3), 1-8. doi: 10.1002/dac.3472. (ID: 25108)
Rodríguez Moré, Z. O., Lobato Morales, H., Chávez Pérez, R. A., & Medina Monroy, J. L. (2018). Complex dielectric permittivity of rum and its mixtures with methanol, ethanol, and water at frequencies up to 15 GHz. JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE POWER AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY, 52(1), 16-30. doi: 10.1080/08327823.2017.1421013. (ID: 23347)
Ram, G., Panduro Mendoza, M. A., Reyna Maldonado, A., Kar, R., & Mandal, D. (2018). Pattern Synthesis and Broad Nulling Optimization of STMLAA with EM Simulation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MODELLING-ELECTRONIC NETWORKS DEVICES AND FIELDS, 1-15. doi: 10.1002/jnm.2322. (ID: 23374)
Montaño Godínez, O. E., Orlov, Y., Aoustin, Y., & Chevallereau, C. (2018). H¿ - Stabilization of a 3D Bipedal Locomotion Under a Unilateral Constraint. In Julio Clempner, Wen Yu (Eds.), New Perspectives and Applications of Modern Control Theory (pp. 371-398). Springer. (ID: 23458)
Zavala Guillén, I., Xamán, J., Hernández Pérez, I., Hernández López, I., Gijón Rivera, M., & Chávez, Y. (2018). Numerical study of the optimum width of 2a diurnal double air-channel solar chimney. ENERGY, 147, 403-4017. doi: 10.1016/j.energy.2017.12.147. (ID: 23218)
Xamán, J., Zavala Guillén, I., Hernández López, I., Uriarte Flores, J., Hernández Pérez, I., Macías Melo, E. V., & Aguilar Castro, K. M. (2018). Evaluation of the CPU Time for Solving the Radiative Transfer Equation with High-Order Resolution Schemes Applying the Normalized Weighting-Factor Method. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 208, 45-63. doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2017.12.030. (ID: 23044)
Hernández Pérez, I., Xamán, J., Macías Melo, E. V., Aguilar Castro, K. M., Zavala Guillén, I., & Hernández López, I. (2018). Experimental thermal evaluation of building roofs with conventional and reflective coatings. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 158, 569-579. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.09.085. (ID: 24408)
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