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Publicaciones en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones
Hay 1036 publicaciones en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones.


Autores / Publicación


Serrano Guerrero, H., Cruz Hernández, C., López Gutiérrez, R. M., Cardoza Avendaño, L., & Chávez Pérez, R. A. (2013). Chaotic synchronization in nearest-neighbor coupled networks of 3D CNNs. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 11(1), 26-41. (ID: 15929)


Inzunza González, E., & Cruz Hernández, C. (2013). Double hyperchaotic encryption for security in biometric systems. Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 13(1), 55-68. (ID: 14611)


Rascón Carmona, R., Álvarez Gallegos, J., & Aguilar Bustos, L. T. (2013). Regulation and force control using sliding modes to reduce rebounds in a mechanical system subject to a unilateral constraint. IET Control Theory & Applications, 6(18), 2785-2792. doi: 10.1049/iet-cta.2011.0314. (ID: 15556)


Kelly Martínez, R. J., & Sandoval Galarza, J. A. (2013). Analysis of an estimate of the region of attraction of an IDA-PBC control of a ball and beam underactuated mechanism. Transaction on Control and Mechanical Systems, 2(1), 43-48. (ID: 16509)


Yepes Arbeláez, L. F., Covarrubias Rosales, D. H., Alonso Arévalo, M. Á., & Arceo Olague, J. G. (2013). Synthesis of two-dimensional antenna array using independent compression regions. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 61(1), 449-453. doi: 10.1109/TAP.2012.2220104. (ID: 16450)


Mendieta Jiménez, F. J., Gutiérrez Martínez, C., Santillán Gutiérrez, S., & Vinals Padilla, S. (2013). In Celso Gutiérrez M., Sergio Vinals P., Saúl Santillán G., Francisco Javier Mendieta J. (Eds.), Diseno y Especificación Inicial Microsatélite Mexicano SATEX 2 (pp. 129). Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnología Aeroespacial. (ID: 25100)


Lara Chávez, F., Velázquez Limón, N., Sauceda Carvajal, D., & Acuña, A. (2013). Metodología para el dimensionamiento y optimización de un concentrador lineal Fresnel. Información Tecnológica, 24(1), 115-128. doi: 10.4067/S0718-07642013000100013. (ID: 17422) (E)


Arellano Delgado, A., López Gutiérrez, R. M., Cruz Hernández, C., Posadas Castillo, C., Cardoza Avendaño, L., & Serrano Guerrero, H. (2012). Experimental network synchronization via plastic optical fiber. Optical Fiber Technology, 19 (12), 93-108. doi: 10.1016/j.yofte.2012.11.007. (ID: 15710)


Sun, J. S., Lobato Morales, H., Choi, J. H., Corona Chávez, A., & Itoh, T. (2012). Multistage directional filter based on band-reject filter with isolation improvement using composite-right/left-handed transmission lines. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 60(12), 3950-3958. doi: 10.1109/tmtt.2012.2223711. (ID: 15758) (E)


Spirine, V., López Mercado, C. A., Kinet, D., Mégret, P., Zolotovskiy, I. O., & Fotiadi, A. A. (2012). A single-longitudinal-mode Brillouin fiber laser passively stabilized at the pump resonance frequency with a dynamic population inversion grating. Laser Physics Letters, 10(1), 015102. doi: 10.1088/1612-2011/10/1/015102. (ID: 16577)