Autores / Publicación
Galaviz Yáñez, G., Covarrubias Rosales, D. H., Andrade Reátiga, A. G., & Villarreal Reyes, S. (2012). A resource black organization strategy for scheduling in carrier aggregated systems. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. doi: 10.1186/1687-1499-2012-107. (ID: 16391)
Spirine, V., Castro Muñoz, M., López Mercado, C. A., Megret, P., & Fotiadi, A. A. (2012). Optical locking of two semiconductor lasers through high-order Brillouin Stokes components in optical fiber. Laser Physics, 22(4), 760-764. doi: 10.1134/S1054660X12040214. (ID: 15333)
Martínez Ortiz, R., & Álvarez Gallegos, J. (2012). Control of mechanical systems with dry friction. Computación y Sistemas, 16(1), 5-13. (ID: 17104)
Wu, X., Moog, C. H., Márquez Martínez, L. A., & Hu, Y. (2012). Full model of a buoyancy-driven airship and its control in the vertical plane. Aerospace Science and Technology. doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2012.02.022. (ID: 13840)
Reynoso Hernández, J. A., Zárate de Landa, A., Zúñiga Juárez, J. E., Loo Yau, J. R., Maya Sánchez, M. C., & Del Valle Padilla, J. L. (2012). Linear modeling of microwave transistors. In CITEDI-IPN (Eds.), Advances in Research & Developments in Digital Systems (pp. 151-170). Ciudad de México, México: Instituto Politécnico Nacional. (ID: 15957)
Castro Lugo, J. G., Álvarez Gallegos, J., & Verduzco González, F. (2012). Continuous approximation of the complex dynamics of a discontinuous system. Cybernetics and Physics, 1(1), 11-16. (ID: 14814)
Arce Casas, A., Covarrubias Rosales, D. H., Panduro Mendoza, M. A., & Garza Alvarado, L. A. (2012). Design of beam-forming networks for multi-beam antenna arrays using coherently radiating periodic structures. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 10(1), 48-56. (ID: 15151)
Peña Ramírez, J., Fey, R., & Nijmeijer, H. (2012). An Introduction to Parametric Resonance. In Thor I. Fossen and Henk Nijmeijer (Eds.), Parametric Resonance in Dynamical Systems (pp. 1-13). Springer. (ID: 21663) (E)
Peña Ramírez, J., & Nijmeijer, H. (2012). A Study of the Onset and Stabilization of Parametric Roll by Using an Electro-Mechanical Device. In Thor I. Fossen and Henk Nijmeijer (Eds.), Parametric Resonance in Dynamical Systems (pp. 287-304). Springer. (ID: 21667) (E)
Arce Casas, A., Covarrubias Rosales, D. H., Panduro Mendoza, M. A., & Garza Alvarado, L. A. (2012). A new multiple-beam forming network design approach for a planar antenna array using corps. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 26(2-3), 294-306. (ID: 16781)
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