Autores / Publicación
Flores Troncoso, J., Sánchez García, J., & Jafarkhani, H. (2010). Differential quasi-orthogonal space frequency trellis codes. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 9(12), 3620-3624. (ID: 12100)
Gárate García, A., Márquez Martínez, L. A., & Moog, C. H. (2010). Equivalence of linear time-delay systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56(3), 666-670. doi: 10.1109/TAC.2010.2095550. (ID: 13561)
Cruz Hernández, C. (2010). In C.Cruz Hernández, A. A. Martynyuk (Eds.), Advances in Chaotic Dynamics and Applications. Cambridge Scientific Publishers. (ID: 12711)
Trejo Guerra, R., Tlelo Cuautle, E., Muñoz Pacheco, J. M., Sánchez López, C., & Cruz Hernández, C. (2010). On the relation between the number of scrolls and the Lyapunov exponents in PWL-functions-based n-scroll chaotic oscillators. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 11(11), 903-910. (ID: 13906)
Ruiz Ibarra, E. C., Villaseñor González, L. A., Gallardo López, J. R., & Espinoza Ruiz, A. (2010). A load-balance clustering mechanism based on location-control for wireless sensor and actor networks. IEICE Transactions on Communications, E93-B(11), 3152-3155. (ID: 14161)
Orlov, Y., Pisano, A., & Usai, E. (2010). Exponential stabilization of the uncertain wave equation via distributed dynamic input extension. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56(1), 212-217. doi: 10.1109/TAC.2010.2089380. (ID: 13771)
Meza Sánchez, I. M., Aguilar Bustos, L. T., Shiriaev, A. S., Freidovich, L. B., & Orlov, Y. (2010). Periodic motion planning and nonlinear H-infinity tracking control of a 3-DOF underactuated helicopter. International Journal of Systems Science. doi: 10.1080/00207721.2010.517874. (ID: 12046)
Méndez Pérez, A. L., Aquino Santos, R., Covarrubias Rosales, D. H., & Panduro Mendoza, M. A. (2010). Performance evaluation of the RQMA-CDMA scheme for multimedia traffic with QoS guarantees. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 64(10), 916-923. doi: 10.1016/j.aeue.2009.07.011. (ID: 13080)
Álvarez Gallegos, J., Rosas Almeida, D. I., Hernández Balbuena, D., & Alvarez Sánchez, E. J. (2010). Robust synchronization of arrays of Lagrangian systems. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 8(5), 1039-1047. doi: 10.1007/s12555-010-0513-0. (ID: 12542)
Rosas Almeida, D. I., Álvarez Gallegos, J., & Peña Ramírez, J. (2010). Control structure with disturbance identification for Lagrangian systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2010.08.005. (ID: 12659)
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