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Hay 1050 publicaciones en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones.


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Orlov, Y., & Bentsman, J. (2000). Adaptive distributed parameter systems identification with enforceable identifiability conditions and reduced-order spatial differentiation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 45(2), 203-216. (ID: 3683)


Márquez Martínez, L. A. (1999). Note sur l'accessibilité des systèmes non linéaires à retards. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics, 329(Serie 1), 545-550. (ID: 3224)


Kelly Martínez, R. J., Haber, R., Haber Guerra, R. E., & Reyes, F. (1999). Lyapunov stable control of robot manipulators: a Fuzzy self-tuning procedure. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 5(4), 313-326. (ID: 3924)


Favela Vara, J., Rodríguez Jacobo, J., Licea Sandoval, G., & García Macías, J. A. (1999). Collaborative software development over the Internet: tools and experiences. Computación y Sistemas, 3(1), 25-37. (ID: 2554)


Favela Vara, J., & Meza Kubo, M. V. (1999). Image-retrieval agent: integrating image content and text. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14(5), 36-39. (ID: 4674)


Chávez, R. E., & Favela Vara, J. (1999). In Baeza-Yates, R. Chávez, E., y Favela J. (Eds.), Edición de memorias de congreso. (ID: 4677)


Verduzco Gonzalez, F., & Álvarez Gallegos, J. (1999). Bifurcation analysis of a 2-DOF robot manipulator driven by constant torques. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 9(4), 617-627. (ID: 4406)


Aceves Mijares, M., Falcony, C., Reynoso Hernández, J. A., Calleja, W., & Pérez, R. (1999). New experimental observations on the electrical characteristics of the Al/SRO/Si diode, and annealing effects. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2, 173-183. (ID: 3701)


Arvizu Mondragón, A., & Mendieta Jiménez, F. J. (1999). Optimum estimation of a phase modulating wiener process with applications in coherent detection systems. In Nikos E. Mastorakis (Eds.), Recent Advances in Ssignal Processing and Communications (pp. 70-77). (ID: 3680)


Kelly Martínez, R. J., & Coello, A. (1999). Analysis and experimentation of Transpose Jacobian-based Cartesian regulators. Robotica, 17, 303-312. (ID: 2478)