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Publicaciones en Geofísica Aplicada
Hay 267 publicaciones en Geofísica Aplicada.


Autores / Publicación


García Abdeslem, J. (1996). Comments on: "Gravity field of the southern Colima graben" by W.L. Bandy, C.A. Mortera-Gutierrez and J. Urrutia Fucugauchi. Geofísica Internacional, 35(1), 87-88. (ID: 2289)


Lazaro Mancilla, O., & Gómez Treviño, E. (1996). Synthetic radargrams from electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability variations. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 34, 283-290. (ID: 1447)


Nagihara, S., Maxwell, A. E., Phillips, J. D., Behrens, E. W., Lewis, T., Lawver, L. A., Nakamura, Y., García Abdeslem, J., & Sclater, J. G. (1996). Heat flow in the western abyssal plain of the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for thermal evolution of the old oceanic lithosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(B2), 2895-2913. (ID: 1828)


Cámara, M. E., Herrera Barrientos, J., Hernández Lucendo, M. C., & Chávez, R. E. (1995). Application of the fast fourier transform to interpret geoelectric anomalies: preliminary results. Journal of Archaeological Science, 22, 619-628. (ID: 2018)


Chávez, R. E., Hernández Lucendo, M. C., Herrera Barrientos, J., & Cámara, M. E. (1995). A magnetic survey over La Maja, an archaelogical site in northern Spain. Archaeometry, 37, 171-184. (ID: 2020)


García Abdeslem, J. (1995). Inversion of the power spectrum from gravity anomalies of prismatic bodies. Geophysics, 60(6), 1698-1703. (ID: 2288)


Gómez Treviño, E., & Mondragon Alarcon, M. N. (1995). Uneven effect of random noise in magnetotelluric apparent resistivity definitions. Geophysics, 60(4), 1238-1242. (ID: 5281)


Quintanilla Montoya, A. L., & Suárez Vidal, F. (1994). Fuente de calor en el campo geotérmico de Cerro Prieto y su relación con la anomalía magnética Nuevo León, México. Geofísica Internacional, 33(4), 575-584. (ID: 2350)


Virieux, J., Flores Luna, C. F., & Gibert, D. (1994). Asymptotic theory for diffusive electromagnetic imaging. Geophysical Journal International, 119, 857-868. (ID: 174)


Barajas Olalde, C. C., & Flores Luna, C. F. (1994). On the calculation of 3-D apparent resistivity responses with conductive plates. Geofísica Internacional, 33(3), 431-446. (ID: 175)