Autores / Publicación
Gómez Treviño, E. (1987). A simple sensitivity analysis of time-domain and frequency-domain electromagnetic measurements. Geophysics, 52(10), 1418-1423. (ID: 3107)
Gómez Treviño, E. (1987). Nonlinear integral equations for electromagnetic inverse problems. Geophysics, 52(9), 1297-1302. (ID: 7324)
Gómez Treviño, E. (1987). Should the electric line be straight in magnetotelluric surveys?. Geophysical Prospecting, 35, 920-923. (ID: 3374)
Esparza Hernández, F. J., & Gómez Treviño, E. (1987). Electromagnetic sounding in the resistive limit and the Backus-Gilbert Method for estimating averages. Geoexploration, 24, 441-454. (ID: 3109)
Edwards, R. N., Nobes, D. C., & Gómez Treviño, E. (1984). Offshore electrical exploration of sedimentary basins: The effects of anisotropy in horizontally isotropic, layered media. Geophysics, 49(5), 566-576. (ID: 7312)
García Abdeslem, J., Fernandez Tome, R., & Vázquez González, R. (1983). Estudio gravimétrico en la zona geotérmica de La Presita, Culiacán, México. Geofísica Internacional, 22(4), 345-388. (ID: 8809)
Gómez Treviño, E., & Edwards, R. N. (1983). Electromagnetic soundings in the sedimentary basin of southern Ontario- A case history. Geophysics, 48(3), 311-330. (ID: 3378)
Fabriol Beauville, H. M., Martinez Garcia, M., & Vázquez González, R. (1982). Mediciones gravimétricas y telúricas en el Valle de Maneadero, Ensenada, Baja California. Geofísica Internacional, 21(1), 41-56. (ID: 8819)
Gómez Treviño, E., & Edwards, R. N. (1979). Magnetometric resistivity (MMR) anomalies of two-dimensional structures. Geophysics, 44(5), 947-958. (ID: 3108)
Carrillo López, J., Pérez Flores, M. A., & Calo, M. (204). Three-dimensional joint inversion of surface wave dispersion and gravity data using a petrophysical approach: an application to Los Humeros Geothermal Field. Geophysical Journal International. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggae333. (ID: 30010)
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