Autores / Publicación
Espinosa Cardeña, J. M., Campos Enríquez, J. O., & Unsworth, M. (2016). Heat flow pattern at the Chicxulub impact crater, northern Yucatan, Mexico. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 311, 135-149. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.12.013. (ID: 18705)
Fuentes Arreazola, M. A., & Vázquez González, R. (2016). Análisis temporal y frecuencial del registro de nivel de agua en el pozo G-1-17 de monitoreo del acuífero superficial en inmediaciones del Campo Geotérmico de Cerro Prieto. Geotermia, Revista Mexicana de Geoenergía, 29(1), 15-27. (ID: 22165)
Munguía Orozco, L., González Escobar, M., Navarro Sánchez, M., Navarro Sánchez, M., Valdez López, T. A., Mayer Geraldo, S., Aguirre Estrada, A., Wong Ortega, V. M., & Luna Munguía, J. M. (2015). Active Crustal Deformation in the Area of San Carlos, Baja California Sur, Mexico as Shown by Data of Local Earthquake Sequences. Pure and Applied Geophysics. doi: 10.1007/s00024-015-1217-4. (ID: 19722)
Munguía Orozco, L., Mayer Geraldo, S., Aguirre Estrada, A., Méndez Figueroa, I., González Escobar, M., & Luna Munguía, J. M. (2015). The 2006 Bahia Asunción Earthquake Swarm: Seismic Evidence of Active Deformation Along the Western Margin of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Pure and Applied Geophysics. doi: 10.1007/s00024-015-1184-9. (ID: 19761)
García Abdeslem, J., & Calmus, T. (2015). A 3D model of crustal magnetization at the Pinacate Volcanic Field, NW Sonora, Mexico. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 301, 29-37. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.05.001. (ID: 19117)
Gómez Treviño, E., & Flores Luna, C. F. (2015). Alternative theory for signal contribution sections and depth of investigation characteristics in electrical prospecting. Geophysical Prospecting, 63(3), 740-749. doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12214. (ID: 19717)
Fregoso Becerra, E., Gallardo Delgado, L. A., & García Abdeslem, J. (2015). Structural joint inversion coupled with Euler deconvolution of isolated gravity and magnetic anomalies. Geophysics, 80(2), G67-G79. doi: 10.1190/GEO2014-0194.1. (ID: 18891)
Pérez Flores, M. A., Delgado Argote, L. A., & Herrera Barrientos, F. (2015). Estructura geoeléctrica de la zona de deslizamientos de la villa San Miguel, Ensenada, Baja California. GEOS, 34(2), 1-9. http://www.ugm.org.mx/publicaciones/geos/pdf/geos14-2/5perez.pdf. (ID: 18572)
Esparza Hernández, F. J., Mendez Delgado, S., & Gómez Treviño, E. (2014). Theoretical approach for the depth of penetration of in situ magnetic susceptibility measurements. Near Surface Geophysics, 12(5), 573-577. doi: 10.3997/1873-0604.2014020. (ID: 17609)
González Escobar, M., Suárez Vidal, F., Sojo Amezquita, A., Gallardo Mata, C. G., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2014). Consag basin: northern Gulf of California, evidence of generation of new crust, based on seismic reflection data. International Geology Review, 56(11), 1315-1331. doi: 10.1080/00206814.2014.941023. (ID: 17017)
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