Autores / Publicación
Dorsey T., M., Rockwell K., T., Girty H., G., Ostermeijer, G., Browning, J., Mitchell M., T., & Fletcher, J. M. (2021). Evidence of hydrothermal fluid circulation driving elemental mass redistribution in an active fault zone. Journal of Structural Geology, 144, 17. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104269.. (ID: 26789)
Premaor, E., Helenes Escamilla, J., Souza, P. A., & Kalkreuth, W. (2021). Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Pelotas Basin, southernmost Brazil, using Miocene dinoflagellate cysts. Marine Micropaleontology, 163(101958), 13. doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2020.101958. (ID: 26625)
Carbajal Martínez, D., Peiffer, L. M. J. C. J. G., Hinojosa Corona, A., Trasviña Castro, A., Arregui Ojeda, S. M., Carranza Chávez, F. J., Flores Luna, C. F., Méndez Alonso, R., Inguaggiato, C., & Casallas Moreno, K. L. (2020). UAV-based thermal imaging and heat output estimation of geothermal resource: La Jolla beach, Baja California, Mexico. Renewable Energy, 168, 1364-1376. doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.12.113. (ID: 26447)
Arce, J. L., Ferrari Pedraglio, L., Morales Casique, E., Vásquez Serrano, A., Arroyo, S. M., Layer, P., Benowitz, J., & López Martínez, M. (2020). Early Miocene arc volcanism in the Mexico City Basin: Inception of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 408(107104), 1-18. doi: 10.1016/j.vogeores.2020.107104. (ID: 26359)
Mbesse,, C. O., Bessong, M., Marie Joseph , N., Philippe, G., François Mvondo , O., Ekoa Bessa, A. Z., & Helenes Escamilla, J. (2020). Palynology and palynofacies analyses in the Douala sub-basin: Implications on palaeoenvironment evolution of the Souellaba Formation/ west Cameroon. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES, 172(104004), 49. doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2020.104004. (ID: 26391)
Molina Garza, R. S., Pindell, J., Coombs, H., Weber, B., & Peña Alonso, T. A. (2020). Definition of tectonic elements in Tehuantepec, southeast Mexico: An integrated geophysical, geochronological, and stratigraphic perspective. In Martens, U.C., Molina Garza, R.S. (Eds.), Southern and Central Mexico: Basement Framework, Tectonic Evolution, and Provenance of Mesozoic¿Cenozoic Basins (pp. 1-26). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. (ID: 26270)
Lelli, M., Kretzschmar, T. G., Cabassi, J., Doveri, M., Sanchez Avila, J. I., Gherardi, F., Magro, G., & Norelli, F. (2020). Fluid geochemistry of the Los Humeros geothermal field (LHGF - Puebla, Mexico): New constraints for the conceptual model. Geothermics, 89, NA. doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101983. (ID: 26252)
Sarychikhina, O., Gómez Palacios, D., Delgado Argote, L. A., & González Ortega, J. A. (2020). Application of satellite SAR interferometry for the detection and monitoring of landslides along the Tijuana - Ensenada Scenic Highway, Baja California, Mexico. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2020.103030. (ID: 26345)
Jacobo Bojórquez, R. A., & Cañón Tapia, E. (2020). Distribution of eruptive centers on top of large shield volcanoes in the inner Solar System: General classification and glimpses of their sub-volcanic structure. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. doi: 10.1029/2020JE006431. (ID: 26374)
Inguaggiato, C., Pérez García, M. A., Meza Maldonado, L. F., Peiffer, L. M. J. C. J. G., Pappaterra, S., & Brusca, L. (2020). Precipitation of secondary minerals in acid sulphate-chloride waters traced by major, minor and rare earth elements in waters: The case of Puracé volcano (Colombia). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 407(107106), 10. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107106. (ID: 26626)
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