Autores / Publicación
Ferrari Pedraglio, L., López Martínez, M., & Rosas Elguera, J. R. (2002). Ignimbrite flare-up and deformation in the southern Sierra Madre Occidental, western Mexico: implications for the late subduction history of the Farallon plate. Tectonics, 21(4), 17-1/17-24. (ID: 9459)
Cañón Tapia, E., & Coe, R. (2002). Rock magnetic evidence of inflation of a flood basalt lava flow. Bulletin of Volcanology, 64, 289-302. (ID: 4597)
Herrero Bervera, E., Cañón Tapia, E., Walker, G. P. L., & Tanaka, H. (2002). Magnetic fabrics study and inferred flow directions of lavas of the Old Pali Road, O¿ahu Hawaii. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (118), 161-171. (ID: 2944)
Herrero Bervera, E., Walker, G. P. L., Cañón Tapia, E., & García, M. O. (2001). Magnetic fabric and inferred flow direction of dikes, conesheets and sill swarms, Isle of Skye, Scotland. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 106(3-4), 195-210. (ID: 3217)
García Puga, J. L., & Hinojosa Corona, A. (2001). Aplicación de tres métodos de sistemas de información geográfica para la caracterización de la hidrología superficial en la región de Puertecitos-San Luis Gonzaga, B.C. GEOS, 21(2), 114-124. (ID: 4608)
González León, C. M., & Martín Barajas, J. A. (2001). Foreword: Special issue on the Geology of Northwestern Mexico and Adjacent Areas. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 14(5), 435-555. (ID: 3503)
Delgado Argote, L. A., & García Abdeslem, J. (2001). Resúmenes y programas. GEOS, 21(3), 1-389. (ID: 3505)
Martín Barajas, J. A., Steckler, M. S., & Stock Joann, M. (2001). MARGINS workshop on the rupturing of continental lithosphere in the Gulf of California/Salton trough region. Margins Newsletter, (6), 11-14. (ID: 4396)
Martín Barajas, J. A., Vázquez Hernández, S., Carreño, A. L., Helenes Escamilla, J., Suárez Vidal, F., & Alvarez Rosales, J. (2001). Late neogene stratigraphy and tectonic control on facies evolution in the Laguna Salada Basin, northern Baja California, México. Sedimentary Geology, 144, 5-35. (ID: 2603)
Contreras Pérez, J., & Scholz, C. H. (2001). Evolution of stratigraphic sequences in multisegmented continental rift basins: Comparison of computer models with the basins of the East African rift system. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 85(9), 1565-1580. (ID: 2475)
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