Autores / Publicación
Ibarra Obando, S. E., Heck Jr., K. L., & Spitzer, P. M. (2004). Effects of simultaneous changes in light, nutrients, and herbivory levels, on the structure and function of a subtropical turtlegrass meadow. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, (301), 193-224. (ID: 7088)
Escofet, A., & Espejel Carvajal, M. I. (2004). Geographic indicators of coastal orientation and large marine ecosystems: Alternative basis for management-oriented cross-national comparisosns. Coastal Management, 32, 117-128. (ID: 5387)
Solana Arellano, M. E., Echavarría Heras, H. A., Gallegos Martínez, M., & Flores Uzeta, O. (2004). The role of biotic and abiotic variables in determining demographic processes in an eelgrass meadow. Bulletin of Southern California Academy of Sciences, 103(1), 12-19. (ID: 5338)
Ortiz Hernández, M. C., Camacho Ibar, V. F., Carriquiry Beltran, J. D., Ibarra Obando, S. E., & Daesslé, L. W. (2004). Contribución de la resuspensión de sedimientos a los flujos no conservativos de fósforo inorgánico disuelto en Bahía San Quintín, Baja California: Una estimación experimental. Ciencias Marinas, 30(1A), 85-98. (ID: 7084)
Camacho Ibar, V. F., Carriquiry Beltran, J. D., & Smith, S. V. (2003). Non-conservative P and N fluxes and net ecosystem production in San Quintin Bay, México. Estuaries, 26(5), 1220-1237. (ID: 5721)
Solana Arellano, M. E., Echavarría Heras, H. A., & Gallegos Martínez, M. (2003). Improved leaf area index based biomass estimations for Zostera marina L. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 20, 367-375. (ID: 5340)
Venrick, E., Bograd, S. J., Checkley, M. D., Durazo Arvizu, R., Gaxiola Castro, G., Hunter R., J., Huyer, A., Hyrenbach, K. D., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Mantyla, A. W., Bautista Romero, J. J., Smith, R. L., Sydeman, W. J., & Wheeler, P. A. (2003). The state of the California Current, 2002-2003: tropical and subarctic influences vie for dominance. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 44, 28-60. (ID: 5221)
González Bernal, M. A., Vega Picos, X., & Mellink Bijtel, E. (2003). Nesting of western gulls in Bahía de Santa María-La Reforma, Sinaloa, Mexico. Western Birds, 34, 175-177. (ID: 7068)
Ladah, L. B. (2003). The shoaling of nutrient-enriched subsurface waters as a mechanism to sustain primary productivity off central Baja California during El Niño winters. Journal of Marine Systems, 42, 145-152. (ID: 5097)
Smith, S. V., Swaney, D. P., Talaue Mcmanus, L., Bartley, J. D., Sandehi, P. T., Mclaughlin, C. J., Dupra, V. C., Crossland, C. J., Buddemeier, R. W., Maxwell, B. A., & Wulff, F. (2003). Humans, hidrology, and the distribution of inorganic nutrient loading to the ocean. BioScience, 53(3), 235-245. (ID: 5723)
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