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Publicaciones en Oceanografía Física
Hay 976 publicaciones en Oceanografía Física.


Autores / Publicación


Zavala Sansón, L., Sheinbaum Pardo, J., & Pérez Brunius, P. (2018). Single-particle statistics in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Geofísica Internacional, 57(2), 139-150. (ID: 23693)


Zavala Sansón, L., & López Zazueta, A. (2018). Self-oscillations of a two-dimensional shear flow with forcing and dissipation. Physics of Fluids, 30(044101), 11. doi: 10.1063/1.5020130. (ID: 24395)


Greaves, D., Perez Collazo, C., Crawford, C., Buckham, B., Magar Brunner, V., Acuña, F., Shin, S., Shi, H., & Chenyu, (. (2018). Regional Activities. In Deborah Greaves, Gregorio Iglesias (Eds.), Wave and Tidal Energy (1 ed., pp. 587-658). Wiley InterScience. (ID: 22846)


Parés Sierra, A. F., Flores Morales, A. L., & Gómez Valdivia, F. (2018). An efficient Markovian algorithm for the analysis of ocean currents. Environmental Modelling & Software, 103(C), 158-168. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.02.014. (ID: 23631)


Gutiérrez Loza, L., Ocampo Torres, F. J., & García Nava, H. (2018). The Effect of Breaking Waves on CO2 Air-Sea Fluxes in the Coastal Zone. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. doi: 10.1007/s10546-018-0342-x. (ID: 23628)


Pérez Brunius, P., Furey, H., Bower, A. S., Hamilton, P., Candela Pérez, J., García Carrillo, P., & Leben, R. R. (2018). Dominant circulation patterns of the Deep Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48, 511-529. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0140.1. (ID: 23621)


Rosas Villegas, F., López Mariscal, J. M., & Candela Pérez, J. (2018). Currents and Mixing in the San Lorenzo Overflow, Northern Gulf of California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 1339-1353. doi: 10.1002/2017JC013247. (ID: 23625)


García Aguilar, C., Turrent Thompson, C., Elorriaga Verplancken, F., Arias del Razo, A., & Schramm Urrutia, Y. (2018). Climate change and the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) population in Baja California, Mexico. PLoS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193211. (ID: 23638)


Magar Brunner, V., Gross, M. S., & González García, L. (2018). Offshore wind energy resource assessment under techno-economic and social-ecological constraints. Ocean & Coastal Management, 152, 77-87. doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.10.007. (ID: 22546)


Jouanno, J., Pallás Sanz, E., & Sheinbaum Pardo, J. (2018). Variability and Dynamics of the Yucatan Upwelling: High Resolution Simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. doi: 10.1002/2017JC013535. (ID: 23416)