Autores / Publicación
Palacios Hernández, E., Carrillo Bibriezca, L. E., Filonov, A., Brito Castillo, L., & Cabrera Ramos, C. E. (2010). Seasonality and anomalies of sea surface temperature off the coast of Nayarit, México. Ocean Dynamics, 60(1), 81-91. doi: 10.1007/s10236-009-0244-z. (ID: 16673)
García Nava, H., Ocampo Torres, F. J., Osuna Cañedo, J. P., & Donelan, M. A. (2009). Wind stress in the presence of swell under moderate to strong wind conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114(C12008), 1-12. doi: 10.1029/2009JC005389. (ID: 12587)
Zavala Sansón, L., González Villanueva, A., & Flores Mateos, L. M. (2009). Evolution and decay of a rotating flow over random topography. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 642, 159-180. doi: 10.1017/S0022112009991777. (ID: 12507)
Mcclatchie, S., Goericke, R., Schwing, F. B., Bograd, S. J., Peterson, W. T., Emmett, R., Charter, R., Watson, W. H., Lo, N. C. H., Hill, K., Collins, C. A., Kahru, M., Mitchell, B. G., Koslow, T., Gómez Valdés, J., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Gaxiola Castro, G., Gottschalck, J., L'Heureux, M., Xue, Y., Manzano Sarabia, M., Bjorkstedt, E., Ralston, S., Field, J., Rogers Bennet, L., Munger, L., Campbell, G. S., Merkens, K., Camacho, D., Havron, A., Douglas, A., & Hildebrand, J. (2009). The state of the California Current, spring 2008-2009: cold conditions drive regional differences in coastal production. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 50, 43-68. (ID: 12758)
Ortiz Figueroa, M. (2009). Condición Santa Ana.. no todo es viento seco, alergias e incendios forestales. GEOS, 29(2), 1-2. (ID: 12620)
Zavala Sansón, L., & Provenzale, A. (2009). The effects of abrupt topography on plankton dynamics. Theoretical Population Biology, 76(4), 258-267. (ID: 12506)
Bizzarro, J. J., Smith, D. W., Castillo Géniz, J. L., Ocampo Torres, A. I., Márquez Farías, J. F., & Hueter, R. E. (2009). The seasonal importance of small coastal sharks and rays in the artisanal elasmobranch fishery of Sinaloa, México. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 4(4), 513-531. (ID: 12394)
Danell Jiménez, A., Sánchez Velasco, L., Lavín Peregrina, M. F., & Marinone Moschetto, S. G. L. (2009). Three-dimensional distribution of larval fish assemblages across a surface thermal/chlorophyll front in a semienclosed sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 85(3), 487-496. doi: 10.1016/jecss.2009.09.010. (ID: 12379)
Ardhuin, F., MARIE¿, L., Rascle, N. G., FORGET, P., & ROLAND, A. (2009). Observation and Estimation of Lagrangian, Stokes, and Eulerian Currents Induced by Wind and Waves at the Sea Surface. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(39), 2820. doi: 10.1175/2009JPO4169.1. (ID: 23677) (E)
Ortiz Figueroa, M. (2009). Agitación por oleaje en el puerto de Ensenada, Baja California, México: medidas de atenuación. GEOS, 29(2), 1-10. (ID: 12740)
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