Autores / Publicación
Gastelum Barrios, A., Soto Zarazua, G. M., Escamilla Garcia , A., Toledano Ayala, M., Macias Bobadilla, G., & Jauregui Vazquez, D. (2020). Optical Methods Based on Ultraviolet, Visible, and Near-Infrared Spectra to Estimate Fat and Protein in Raw Milk: A Review. Sensors, 20(12), 3356. doi: 10.3390/s20123356. (ID: 29044)
Shlyagina, A., González Alcalde, A. K., Salas Montiel, R., & Méndez Méndez, E. R. (2020). Observation of Selényi rings in the diffraction patterns of layered samples with periodic arrays of cylindrical structures. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 37(6), 940-950. doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.385241. (ID: 26355)
Martin Vela, J. A., Sierra Hernandez, J. M., Jauregui Vazquez, D., Estudillo Ayala, J. M., Hernandez Garcia, J. C., Reyes Ayona , J. R., Garcia Mina , D. F., & Rojas Laguna, R. (2020). Highly Sensitive Fiber Ring Laser Sensor for Curvature Using a Modal Interferometer. IEEE Sensors Journal, 20(17), 7. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2991960. (ID: 29048)
Castro Valdez, J. A., Álvarez Borrego, J., & Solorza Calderón, S. (2020). Image correlation by one-dimensional signatures invariant to rotation, position, and scale using the radial Hilbert transform optimized. Applied Optics, 59(13), 1-9. doi: 10.1364/AO.381574. (ID: 25560)
Bornacelli, J., Torres Torres, C., Can Uc, B. A., Rangel Rojo, R., & Oliver, A. (2020). Plasmon coupling interactions and inhibition of nonlinear absorption in a complex system with Ag and Pt nanoparticles in silica. Applied Optics, 59(13), D69-D75. (ID: 26053)
Robles, V., Gutiérrez Herrera, E., Devia Cruz, L. F., Banks, D., Camacho López, S., & Aguilar , G. (2020). Soft material perforation via double-bubble laser-induced cavitation microjets. Physics of Fluids. doi: 10.1063/5.0007164. (ID: 26041)
Carrillo Delgado, C. M., Hernandez Garcia , J. C., estudillo Ayala, J. M., Pottiez, O., Lauterio Cruz, J. P., Filoteo Razo, J. D., Jauregui Vazquez, D., Sierra Hernandez, J. M., & Rojas Laguna, R. (2020). Generation of burst pulses through multimodal interference in a passively mode-locked ytterbium fibre-ring laser. Laser Physics Letters, 17(065106), 7. doi: 10.1088/1612-202X/ab8b61. (ID: 29052)
Millán Olvera, B. M., García Gaitán , B., Ruiz Aguilar, I., Flores Castañeda, M., Ríos Donato, N., & García Rivas, J. L. (2020). Obtención y caracterización de perlas de Alginato-imidacloprid y alginato-bifentrina. AFINIDAD, 77(590). (ID: 28278)
Cavanna, A., Hammer, J., Okoth, C., Ortiz Ricardo, E., Cruz Ramírez, H., Garay Palmett, K., U Ren Cortés, A., Frosz, M., Jiang, X., Joly, N., & Chekhova, M. (2020). Progress toward third-order parametric down-conversion in optical fibers. Physical Review A, 101(3), 033840. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.033840. (ID: 26522)
Camacho López, S., Zúñiga Romero, C. A., Devia Cruz, L. F., Álvarez Delgado, C., Plata Sánchez, M. A., & Martínez Manuel, L. (2020). Intraocular Pressure Study in Ex Vivo Pig Eyes by the Laser-Induced Cavitation Technique: Toward a Non-Contact Intraocular Pressure Sensor. Applied Sciences, 10, 2281. doi: 10.3390/app10072281. (ID: 26028)
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