Autores / Publicación
Bueno Ibarra, M. A., Chávez Sánchez, M. C., & Álvarez Borrego, J. (2011). K-law spectral signature correlation algorithm to identifiy white spot syndrome virus in shrimp issues. Aquaculture, 318(3-4), 283-289. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2011.05.022. (ID: 15714)
García Casillas, D., & Stepanov, S. (2011). Sub-miliwatt sub-millisecond recording of population gratings in ytterbium-doped optical fibers at 976 nm. Optics Communications, 284(8), 2202-2205. doi: 10.1016/j.optcom.2010.12.059. (ID: 12006)
Ramos Carrazco, A., Tchaikina Kolesnikova, E., Contreras López, O. E., Barboza Flores, M., & García Gutiérrez, R. (2011). Structural and optical characterization of InxGa1-xN nano-structured grown by chemical vapor deposition. Revista Mexicana de Física, 57(2), 7-9. (ID: 12101)
Maradudin, A. A., Méndez Méndez, E. R., & Leskova, T. (2011). Transformation of optical fields by structured surfaces. In Alexei A. Maradudin (Eds.), Structured Surfaces as Optical Metamaterials (pp. 185-231). Cambridge University Press. (ID: 16321)
Kamshilin, A. A., Miridonov Elakov, S., Teplov, V., Saarenheimo, R., & Nippolainen, E. (2011). Photoplethysmographic imaging of high spatial resolution. Biomedical Optics Express, 2(4), 996-1006. (ID: 15598)
Puente Ramírez, N. P., Tchaikina Kolesnikova, E., Herath, S., & Yamilov, A. (2011). Fabrication, characterization, and theoretical analysis of controlled disorder in the core of opical fibers. Applied Optics, 50(6), 802-810. (ID: 14059)
O'Donnell, K. A. (2011). Observations of dispersion cancellation of entangled photon pairs. Physical Review Letters, 106, 063601. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.063601. (ID: 12938)
Corona García-Cabral, M., Garay Palmett, K., & U Ren Cortés, A. B. (2011). Experimental proposal for the generation of entangled photon triplets by third-order spontaneous parametric downconversion in optical fibers. Optics Letters, 36(2), 190-192. doi: 10.1364/OL.36.000190. (ID: 14694)
Barboza Tello, N. A., Ríos Osuna, L. A., & Cudney Bueno, R. S. (2010). Láser de alta potencia y alta eficiencia bombeado por diodo. Revista Mexicana de Física, 56(6), 489-496. (ID: 12939)
Bueno Ibarra, M. A., Chávez Sánchez, M. C., & Álvarez Borrego, J. (2010). Nonlinear law spectral technique to analyze white spot syndrome virus infection. International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 2(3-4), 125-132. (ID: 14906)
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