Autores / Publicación
Marchington, R. F., Mazilu, M., Kuriakose, S., Garcés Chávez, V. G., Reece, P. J., Krauss, T. F., Gu, M., & Dholakia, K. (2008). Optical deflection and sorting of microparticles in a near-field optical geometry. Optics Express, 16(6), 3712-3726. (ID: 13162) (E)
Semenov, D. V., Miridonov Elakov, S., Nippolainen, E., & Kamshilin, A. A. (2008). Statistical properties of dynamic speckles formed by a deflecting laser beam. Optics Express, 16(2), 1238-1249. (ID: 11602)
Flores Romero, E., Vázquez, G. V., Márquez Becerra, H., Rangel Rojo, R., Rickards, J., & Trejo Luna, R. (2007). Laser emission in proton-implanted Nd:YAG channel waveguides. Optics Express, 15(26), 17874-17880. (ID: 11717)
Reiser, K. M., Bratton, C., Yankelevich Gorfinkiel, D. R., Knoesen, A., Rocha Mendoza, I., & Lotz, J. C. (2007). Quantitative analysis of structural disorder in intervertebral disks using second harmonic generation imaging: comparison with morphometric analysis. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 12(6), 064019/1-17. (ID: 13590) (E)
Rocha Mendoza, I., Yankelevich Gorfinkiel, D. R., Wang, M., Reiser, K. M., Frank, C. W., & Knoesen, A. (2007). Sum frequency vibrational spectroscopy: the molecular origins of the optical second order nonlinearity of collagen. Biophysical Journal, 93, 4433-4444. (ID: 13988) (E)
Garay Palmett, K., Mcguiness, H., Cohen, O., Lundeen, J., Rangel Rojo, R., U Ren Cortés, A. B., Raymer, M. G., Mckinstrie, C. J., Radic, S., & Walmsley, I. A. (2007). Photon pair-state preparation with tailored spectral properties by spontaneous four-wave mixing in photonic-crystal fiber. Optics Express, 15(22), 14870-14886. (ID: 11492)
Corona García-Cabral, M., & U Ren Cortés, A. B. (2007). Parametric down-conversion with optimized spectral properties in nonlinear photonic crystals. Physical Review A, 76(4), 043829. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.76.043829. (ID: 9980)
Maradudin, A. A., & Méndez Méndez, E. R. (2007). Light scattering from randomly rough surfaces. Science Progress, 90(4), 161-221. (ID: 9986)
Wasylczyk, P., U Ren Cortés, A. B., Mosley, P., Lundeen, J., Branderhorst, M., Gorza Simon, P., Monmayrant, A., Radunsky, A., & Walmsley, I. A. (2007). A short perspective on long crystals: broadband wave mixing and its application to ultrafast quantum optics. Journal of Modern Optics, 54(13-15), 1939-1958. (ID: 11222)
Maisterrena Epstein, R. J., Camacho López, S., Escobar Alarcón, L., & Camacho López, M. A. (2007). Nanosecond laser ablation of bulk Al, Bronze, and Cu: ablation rate saturation and laser-induced oxidation. Superficies y Vacío, 20(3), 1-5. (ID: 10402)
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