Autores / Publicación
Bagraev, N. T., Tchaikina Kolesnikova, E., Gehlhoff, W., Klyachkin, L. E., Markov, I. I., & Malyarenko, A. M. (1998). Infrared induced emission from silicon quantum wires. Solid-State Electronics, 42(7-8), 1199-1204. (ID: 5692)
Leskova, T. A., Maradudin, A. A., Novikov, I. V., Shchegrov, A. V., & Méndez Méndez, E. R. (1998). Design of one-dimensional band-limited uniform diffusers of light. Applied Physics Letters, 73(14), 1943-1945. (ID: 1798)
Cortés Altamirano, R., Luna Soria, R., Pech Pacheco, J. L., & Álvarez Borrego, J. (1998). Evaluación de las mareas rojas. In Roberto Cortés Altamirano (Eds.), Las Mareas Rojas (pp. 13-31). (ID: 1346)
Cortés Martínez, R., Khomenko, A., Starodumov, A. N., Arzate, N., & Zenteno, L. A. (1998). Interferometric fiber-optic temperature sensor with spiral polarization couplers. Optics Communications, 154(4/6), 268-272. (ID: 1221)
Cudney Bueno, R. S., & Garrett, M. H. (1998). Photorefractive shooting stars. Optics Letters, 23(11), 828-830. (ID: 1062)
Tchaikina Kolesnikova, E., Navarrete Alcalá, A. G., Méndez Méndez, E. R., Martinez Garcia, A., & Maradudin, A. A. (1998). Coherent scattering by one-dimensional randomly rough metallic surfaces. Applied Optics, 37(6), 1110-1121. (ID: 293)
Negrete Regagnon, P. (1998). Object recovery from the bispectral phase in astronomical imaging. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 15(7), 1787-1796. (ID: 48)
O'Donnell, K. A., West, C. S., & Méndez Méndez, E. R. (1998). Backscattering enhancement from polariton-polariton coupling on a rough metal surface. Physical Review B, 57(20), 13209-13219. (ID: 44)
Lu, J. Q., Sánchez Gil, J. A., Méndez Méndez, E. R., Gu, Z., & Maradudin, A. A. (1998). Scattering of light from a rough dielectric film on a reflecting substrate: diffuse fringes. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 15(1), 185-195. (ID: 1104)
Rangel Rojo, R., Yamada, S., Matsuda, H., & Yankelevich Gorfinkiel, D. R. (1998). Large near-resonance third-order nonlinearity in an azobenzene-functionalized polymer film. Applied Physics Letters, 72(9), 1021-1023. (ID: 3775)
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