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Publicaciones en Acuicultura
Hay 620 publicaciones en Acuicultura.


Autores / Publicación


Sánchez Saavedra, M. P., Maeda Martínez, A. N., & Acosta Galindo, S. (2015). Effect of different light spectra on the growth and biochemical composition of Tisochrysis lutea. Journal of Applied Phycology. doi: 10.1007/s10811-015-0656-8. (ID: 19169)


Márquez Reyes, L. A., Sánchez Saavedra, M. P., & Valdez Vazquez, I. (2015). Improvement of hydrogen production by reduction of the photosynthetic oxygen in microalgae cultures of Chlamydomonas gloeopara and Scenedesmus obliquus. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(23), 7291-7300. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.04.060. (ID: 19066)


Galván Tirado, C., del Río Portilla, M. Á., Delgado Vega, R., & García De León, F. J. (2015). Genetic variability between complete mitochondrion genomes of the sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria (Pallas, 1814). Mitochondrial DNA. doi: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1030628. (ID: 19116)


Perez Velazquez, M., González Félix, M. L., Viana Castrillón, M. T., Lazo Corvera, J. P., & Maldonado Othón, C. A. (2015). Effects of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth and body composition of the Gulf corvina, Cynoscion othonopterus. International Journal of Aquatic Science, 6(2), 11-28. (ID: 19174)


Morales Guerrero, E. R. (2015). El jurel (Seriola lalandi). Cuadernos de Nutrición, 38(3), 96-98. (ID: 19170)


Sánchez Saavedra, M. P., & Núñez Zarco, E. A. (2015). Growth of Red Abalone, Haliotis rufescens, Fed Cold-stored Benthic Diatoms. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 46(2), 210-218. doi: 10.1111/jwas.12182. (ID: 16962)


Castro Ceseña, A. B., & Sánchez Saavedra, M. P. (2015). Effect of glycerol and PEGMA coating on the efficiency of cell holding in alginate immobilized Synechococcus elongatus. Journal of Applied Phycology. doi: 10.1007/s10811-015-0552-2. (ID: 18978)


Garces, V. G., Salazar Oropeza, O., Cordero Esquivel, B., & O'Donnell, K. A. (2015). Induced deflagellation of Isochrysis microalgae in a near-infrared optical trap. Applied Optics, 54(7), 1827-1833. doi: 10.1364/AO.54.001827. (ID: 19008)


Mata Sotres, J. A., Lazo Corvera, J. P., & Barón Sevilla, B. (2015). Effect of age on weaning success in totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) larval culture. Aquaculture, 437, 292-296. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2014.11.037. (ID: 19173)


León Pech, M. G., Castillo Páez, A. Y., Bisbal Pardo, C. I., Rocha Olivares, A., & del Río Portilla, M. Á. (2015). Complete mitochondrial genome of the beaubrummel Damselfish, Stegastes flavilatus (Pisces: Perciformes, Pomacentridae). Mitochondrial DNA. doi: 10.3109/19401736.2014.1003880. (ID: 19132)